The interview

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Kara looked at Alex, Lena and Lara move around the bed. Alex and Lena had been fighting, she was sure, but hadn't heard enough to know what about. "I feel like I went a few rounds with Metallo." Kara looked at Lena. "You came?"

Lena raised an eyebrow. "Kara, I know I asked for space but if you really didn't like the idea you should have said, not got shot." The blonde smiled at Lena, still a little surprised she came.

"I will schedule my next shooting for when you no longer wish for space." She was joking, but it didn't stop the three women from looking at her panicked.

"Don't you dare." Kara laughed, the movement only hurting a little.

"Alex, tell me we know what happened?" If she was here then they knew something at least.

Her sister looked between Kara and Lena. "You were shot by a group called the 'Agents of Liberty'. Shooting you was to get you out of the way so you couldn't save the President when they shot down Air Force One. They haven't publicly taken credit for either event, although they did leave a lovely message for us in your apartment." Kara looked between Alex and Lena, they were leaving something out.

"And?" Despite her questions, Kara had to know everything.

"The new President upon hearing that you were shot in your home, has demanded you tell him and the military your identity." Wow! A lot happened whilst she was out.

"If I don't?"

Alex looked at the floor. "You will be discharged from the DEO and treated like any other potential threat."

Kara frowned. "So my options are tell the President and give them leverage or be locked up as a hostile threat? Let's be realistic, they will never just leave me as a potential threat given I know where the DEO bases are."

"Basically, yeah." Alex's tablet pinged, "Sorry Kara, I have to go." Alex smiled, leaving the room looking at her tablet.

"What are you going to do?" Lena was staring at her, waiting to listen.

Looking around the room, Kara didn't know what to do. "I don't know." Her gaze landed on Lara. "Do I still have a secret identity in the future?"

Both women turned to look at their daughter, "No, not since I was five. Morgan Edge released some old L-Corp security footage with you using your powers dressed as Kara when he hacked the building. He wanted to hurt Lena and what better way than to splash her personal life all over the media and make her and me a spectacle. It isn't too bad now, but you were already married and had me, the challenges now I couldn't say the impact, even if I am still stood here."

Lena and Kara looked at Lara in shock, "So, Morgan Edge is still a problem. Nice to know."

"Not the time Lena. I don't know what to do. Either way, the life I have now is over." No one spoke, letting Kara process what was happening. "Lena, tell Alex I'll be back in an hour or so?"

Kara stood from the bed, her powers only slightly weakened. Flying would take a little longer. "What? Where are you going?" Lena moved to stop Kara.

Walking out of the med bay, Kara turned to look at Lena as she reached the doorway. "To see an old friend." She fished her phone from her pocket, hitting the third speed dial. Kara was nearing the balcony when the line connected.


"Miss Grant?"

"Keira? To what do I owe for the pleasure of this phone call?" She still wouldn't get her name right.

"Where are you right now?" Thankfully she still had her suit on, so she didn't need to change before leaving.

"My beach house in the Caribbean, why?" Kara hung up the phone and pushed herself into the air as soon as the balcony doors opened.

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