Welcome Party

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An hour after leaving, Alura and Lena were back, a waiting Kara ready to leave whenever Lena wished to. With Alura's news she would be coming to Earth with Kal, Lois and Johnathan the goodbyes didn't take too long. These quick actions were what found the two friends on the Legion ship returning home all too quickly for Lena.

Sure, she had loved seeing Argo and everything it had to offer, but the prospect of spending time with Kara alone on the ship was daunting. As it stood, they hadn't spoken to one another for the forty minutes they had been flying.

"I'm going to get some sleep while I can, I'd suggest you do the same." Frowning, Lena followed Kara to one of hte chairs in the main room of the ship.

"Why?" Was Kara saying she looked tired?

Kara sighed. "Lena, you have missed almost two days of work without warning, had an employee reveal themselves as Supergirl - who was photographed leaving lunch on your balcony after what people were saying was a lovers quarrel. I don't know about you, but I would want some sleep before I dealt with that." As Kara spoke, Lena realised the scope of what she had waiting for her when they get back.

"I uh-I forgot about the pictures with everything else going on." They definitely needed sleep, Jess was going to kill her when she got back. Even though everything Kara had said was true, her problems paled in comparison to the Super's problems. "What is going to be waiting for us when we get back?"

Kara sighed from the couch, "Either military guns aimed at me, or no one. It depends if Alex and Brainy tell anyone when we are closing in." Lying down, Kara turned away from Lena. "Now, if you don't mind. I'm going to sleep and I will wake you if you choose to do the same when we a few minutes out."

Just like that, Lena was left standing there alone. Picking the couch nearby, she too lay down for some sleep, thoughts running through her head about everything Kara had said. They really had left a mess behind.

"Lena. Lena, wake up." Kara's voice roused Lena from a deep sleep, making her wonder why her friend would be in her Pent House? As she moved to the land of the living, the last few days rang in her head.

Bolting upright, Lena found Kara at the controls, bringing them in over National City somewhere. "Where are we landing?"

Glancing up at her, Kara only spared a second. "A secret base the DEO owns. It was too risky landing anywhere else, the military are still at the DEO." Nodding, Lena stood, fixing herself from her slumber on the couch. Bouncing ever so slightly as the landing gear engaged, Lena watched Kara start towards the exit.

"Where are you going to go?" She didn't know why she said anything, it was none of her business where Kara went now.

Kara stopped near the doors, surprised at the sudden question. "Um, not sure. I'll find somewhere, don't worry about it." Finding somewhere to live wasn't the biggest on her list of problems right now.

"Stay with me." Three words stunned the pair of them. Lena hadn't realised what she had said until it was out. Kara didn't know if she was being serious.

"Seriously. I've already said I have the guest rooms and it is the most secure building in the city." Kara turned around to argue. "And before you argue, you living with me will not put me in danger, my last name does that enough as it is." Lena knew the idea was a spur of the moment decision, but it made sense and... felt right.

"What about the pictures? If I lived with you, it would just fan the flames." Was she actually considering living with her? Lena couldn't tell as Kara folded her arms and tilted her head.

Raising an eyebrow at her friend, Lena smirked. "In that case, it's a good thing I own a media empire to set the record straight. Don't you think?" Kara sighed and shook her head. "Should we go before someone realises we've landed?"

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