I'm sorry

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Standing out of view of the audience Kara traced the emblem on her bracelet, still getting used to having it on. Just knowing Lena was wearing the identical one made her smile, even if leaving her in bed this morning had been the last thing she wanted to do.

"Now our next guest is someone we have talked about a lot recently, the Girl of Steel herself, Supergirl." Hearing her introduction Kara walks onto the set or stage, whatever it was smiling. Giving a wave to the audience, Kara narrowly avoided tripping on the step up to the table everyone was sat at.

Laughing, Kara took the only seat available in the middle of the three women hosting the show today. "Hi."

Robin was on her right and chuckled at the misstep. "Welcome Supergirl. Or would you prefer Kara?"

Looking at the three of them, Kara went to push her glasses up her nose only to remember she decided against wearing them. "Kara, definitely Kara."

Lara got her attention by speaking next. "In that case, welcome Kara to Good Morning America. We cannot tell you how thrilled we are to have you here."

"Thank you for having me." Trying to avoid looking at the cameras was hard, but Kara managed to focus solely on the three women in front of her with a little help. Even from half a city away, Kara could hear Lena's heartbeat - a heartbeat that was a little faster than before.

"Are you with us?" The women around her were each giving her slight frowns with their smiles.

Letting go of Lena's heartbeat, Kara focused solely on the three women she was talking to. "Sorry, yes." Smiling at them, their frowns disappeared and they continued.

"Where did you go just now?"

Looks like they weren't just going to continue without asking. "I had tuned into a familiar sound to calm my nerves."

Robin looked curious. "What do you mean 'a familiar sound'?"

Kara rubbed her hands on her trousers. "A heartbeat. If I get nervous I will listen to a specific heartbeat unless I'm too far away to hear it."

Catching the look Lara sent Robin, I knew what was coming next. "Are you able to tell us whose heartbeat you listen to?"

Taking a deep breath she smiled. "I tend to switch between my sister and my bestfriend. It depends on which is closer or which one is in danger."

Deciding to drop the topic for now, Robin asked a question. "Well, that is something we will defintely be coming back to, but I know I was wondering if the cape has been hung up? No cape today and we have seen posts about Supergirl flying around yesterday in jeans and a t-shirt."

Licking her lips Kara let out a little laugh. "Um, no. I am not hanging up my cape. Today I thought I would try being Kara for a change, not Supergirl, not Kara Danvers. Just Kara. Which explains the lack of the suit and the glasses. As for yesterday, I wasn't on Supergirl business and had something else on my mind when I left the apartment."

Getting nods from the hosts, they waited a moment before continuing. "So Supergirl still flies. Now, Kara, we have thought of some questions that the three of us would love to know the answers to. Care to indulge us?" Ginger, the woman to my far left asked.

"That is why I'm here." Laughing, even the audience joined in.

"Okay then. First, when did you get to Earth? Superman was already around for a long time before you showed yourself to the world."

"I landed here in 2003."

"Which makes you...?" Robin left, hoping for information.

Keeping a smile on her face, Kara couldn't help but let it faulter as her mind wandered to Krypton. "Physically I am twenty-eight."

That not only got a few raised eyebrows but a pursed lip from Lara. "What do you mean physically?"

Time for that honesty. "When my parents sent me away from Krypton, my pod got knocked off course from the explosion and I spend some time sleeping in a part of space where time doesn't pass." Kara scratched her forehead. "Chronilogically, I am fifty-two years old."

That had several jaws dropping around the room, none obviously expecting the Super to say that. "O-Okay. Swiftly moving on from that bombshell, why did it take you so long to come out as Supergirl?"

"Being a superhero is something that you have to choose and with the world already having Superman I figured the best thing I could do was be normal." Kara could see the question coming so continued. "Until the plane my sister was on was going to crash. I'm not sure if I was entirely ready to become Supergirl just then, but I kenw I wasn't ready to lose her."

The audience let out a bunch of 'Awww's. Looking at the women around her, Kara noticed they had similar expressions on their faces. "Did your sister approve of you becoming Supergirl?"

Laughing Kara shook her head. "Not at all. She yelled at me for saving her life. Okay, the yelling might have had more to do with exposing myself to the world, but she kind of rolled it all together."

"It sounds like your sister had her hands full growing up with you?"

"She did. I was banned from the kitchen fairly quickly after I almost burned the house down." Everyone frowned. "On the bright side, I learnt to control my freeze breath so in my opinion it was a sucessful day." Kara was being entirely serious, but it got laughs from everyone.

Calming down, Ginger caught Kara absently running her thumb over her bracelet. "May I ask, why do you keep tracing the bracelet on your wrist?"

Looking down at the bracelet, Kara sighed. "I'm not quite used to having it on yet."

"What is it?" From as close as they were on the table it wasn't hard for them to see the emblem on the bracelet, even if they just saw the S for Super.

"It-It is the Kryptonian version of a wedding ring." Smiling like an idiot, Kara wasn't sure if the silence or the shocked "WHAT!" from Robin and Ginger were good thing.

"Congradulations. Are you able to tell us who the lucky man is?" Ginger asked and not able to hold back the laugh Kara knew she should have asked Lena first but she was running out of time.

Picking up the sound of trucks several miles away, Kara knew she was running out of time. "Lena Luthor." She waited a moment before trying to talk again. "I just need to say something."

The audience quickly fell quiet, wanting to hear what Kara had to say. Licking her lips and tracing the bracelet, Kara looked at the camera. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't wake you up so you could come with me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I'm sorry for everything I'm about to do. I'm sorry we won't get the future we saw. And... I am sorry I'm about to do something stupid. I can hear military trucks on their way here and I am giving myself up. I won't put you in danger again. I love you."

Kara left the studio silent as she used her super speed to leave not only the building but the studio, meeting the trucks just outside the gates. Screeching to a stop two teams jumped out of the back, guns all pointed at her.

Feeling a scalding pain start making its way through her body, she knew they had kryptonite but she couldn't see where. "I will come with you willingly. I will not fight."

Watching the men aiming their guns at her, Kara could hear the start of a helocopter above them, most likely Good Morning America trying to get footage of what was happening. She didn't move, didn't even breathe. Only watched as the leader tilted his head.

Turning her hearing in, Kara didn't like what she heard. "Shoot her."

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