Second Time Around

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"Hey Jeju, what's for dinner?" Lara walked into the kitchen wearing a pair of jogging bottoms and a top of Kara's. The two woman already in the lounge looked up at her entering, both engrossed in the news. Once again it was focused on Supergirl/Kara, moreso right now on Kara and what the channel had been able to find about her. It was a mess, they still hadn't gotten over her identity, it was pathetic. The only bright thing the pair could garner from this, was the more attention on her, the less attention the military had on them and their agenda against her.

"We just ordered chinese and don't worry I got double potstickers." Lena remembed what Lara had been like the last time she had gotten stuck with them, even if this version didn't. Not having enough potstickers would likely result in a war between the two Supers.

Lara sat on the chair next to them, her attention focusing on the news. Just as the three fell into a comfortable silence, breaking news of a fire in a building down town broke on screen, a camera showing the blaze already consuming several floors.

"I've got to go." Kara jumped up, rushing to change in her suit, she stopped as Lara made to follow her. "You are staying here. We can't afford to explain another kryptonian appearing with everything going on." Frowning, Kara looked to Lena for help keeping their daughter in the apartment.

With a nod from Lena, Kara flew out the window, trusting Lara to listen to her Mother. The blaze wasn't too far away, the area lit up like a christmas tree btween the flames, helicopter lights and police lights on the streets surrounding the building. Dropping down in front of hte building, Kara found the Fire Chief.

"Is there anyone inside?"

The man was already shaking his head. "No residents, but we've lost communication with a fire fighter and it's too dangerous to send a team in after him."

Nodding, Kara shot up into the sky. Using her freeze breath she calmed some of the flames and dove into the building. Moving through the floors, Kara blew out all the flames she could see, smoke billowing from the windows as she made her way up. On the last floor the fire had reached, she was starting to wonder where the fire fighter could be when she picked up on a faint heartbeat a few rooms away.

Putting the last of the flames out, Kara barged into the last room on her left to find the fire figher unconscious slumped against the wall. Taking him outside wouldn't do, he needed a hospital and fast. With that thought, she picked the man up and flew through the shattered window, headng straight for the nearest hospital, when she got there she was met by several doctors and a gurney for her to put him on.

"Thank you, Supergirl. We've got him now." One of the doctors nodded at her as they wheeled him away to be treated. Making sure he was safely with the doctors, Kara flew back to the scene of the fire to help however she could.

Dropping back down in front of the Fire Chief, she smiled at the man. "I've dropped your fire fighter off at the hospital, he was unconscious when I found him and I didn't spot any broken bones. Is there anything I can do here to help?" Swinging her arms back and forth, Kara really did just want to be helpful, a grin on her face.

"No we have everything handled here, but thank you for your help." Nodding, Kara jumped back in the air heading home.

Lena was already on the balcony waiting for her. "Good save. The Chinese arrived and I managed to stop Lara from eating any of the potstickers until you were back, so why don't you grab a shower and I will heat the food up?" Kara tried to go in for a hug but missed as Lena ducked out of the way. "No way, you stink of smoke and somehow still have ash in your hair. I will snuggle on the couch with you when you have showered." About to protest, Kara thought better of it when she saw Lara trying to sneak into the food.

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