Back Again

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A/N - Accidently posted a part yesterday that I didn't mean to... If you read the previously posted version I am sorry as it might now be a little confusing but I hope everyone enjoys this version.


Lena left Kara to take a phone call from L-Corp, the board members not overly happy about the publicity she was receiving lately. The conversation didn't go down too well. Kara could hear Lena from where she was in the corridor when she raised her voice and if, "Well you seemed to have no problems when Lex tried to kill Superman and most of Metropolis with him." was any indication at least one person was losing their seat.

The old men on the board no doubt hated aliens, they were just better at being subtle. Reaching for her phone, Kara read through the messages she had missed, most being from people she hadn't spoken to in years. Funny how briefly knowing someone years ago gives they the idea that reaching out now wasn't ill timed.

Hopefully they would be able to get lunch first and they could talk about everything. Where they together now? They knew a lot about their future's but Kara couldn't help but feel they were missing something huge, something they should have seen coming. Almost like the thought sparked something, a breach opened in the room.

Stepping through, Lara was looking at her wrist to realise Kara was there. Seeing her daughter again, Kara couldn't believe how much she had missed the woman after a short period of time, even if yesterday felt like a lifetime ago.

"Lara?" Lena appeared in the doorway, just as the breach closed to show her the blonde now standing in the middle of the room, stopping her dead.

"Jeju? We don't have time to mess around. Where's Mum?" Lara glanced up at Kara and stopped. Not prepared, Kara found herself with her daughter's arm around her neck. "Who are you and what have you done with Kara?"

Was this really happening? She didn't remember them? Lena watched the scene confused and shocked to see Lara again after everything that had happened, assuming events had unfolded differently enough to change their future.

"Lara honey, what are you doing back here?" What reason could she have to come back here? She was free, back in her own time.

Looking at Lena, Lara couldn't help but see her Mum from when she was younger, when she was growing up. "Back here? What are you talking about? You asked me to come." Her grip tightened on Kara as she tried to get free.

Holding her hands up, Lena took a step closer. "We haven't asked you anywhere, we sent you off on Argo to your time with the future versions of us. What happened?" If she didn't remember, then something had changed or gone wrong in the future.

"Are you okay? You aren't talking much sense Mum." Keeping a grip on Kara, Lara eyed the woman that was her Mother opposite her. Thinking on it now, looking closer at the details of the room, she frowned. "What year is it?"

"2019." Kara's quiet answer shocked Lara enough that she dropped her arms, letting a version of her Jeju go. What had she done? It was a simple jump, how had she got it so wrong?

Lighting up the screen on her wrist, Lara tapped a few buttons and numbers, trying to open another breach. Nothing happened. The dambed machine was dead. Despite the warnings, she had still messed with it, thinking she knew better than her Mum... she didn't.

"Sorry Jeju. I didn't realise I wasn't in the right time."

Kara moved to stand by Lena. "No worries. What's the problem this time?"

"I messed with some stuff before my last breach and the code must have stopped working, it mistook location 2019 - a DEO safehouse - as the year. Doing such a large jump drained the power and it needs time to recharge." Lara motioned to the device on her wrist.

Lena smiled. "Well then, I guess we should get you settled in." Turning, the brunette pulled Kara with her, their daughter following behind them. The ride up a floor to the apartment was silent and awkward, two having met her before and one not remembing it. How do you break it to your future daughter that you've met them before?

Once in the apartment Lena showed Lara to a spare room, while going with Kara to hers.

"How can't she remember meeting us?" Lena was confused, soemthing the CEO wasn't used to.

Kara sat down on the bed. "One explanation... the future has changed and she never met us. Another... we met a future version of her."

Moving to the windows, Lena looked at the city surrounding them, lives being lived in peace, a concept she wished she could experience again. "We have bigger problems anyway. Who could have access to the kryptonite that has been popping up recently?" She bit her lip. "I would have said Lex, but he's de-" Lena turned to Kara. "Eve."

"What about Eve?" The crinckle appeared on Kara's forehead, confusion filling her head at the jump in topic.

"If Lex had told anyone how to make this stuff, it would have been Eve. Tell her how to make it and plant the idea to do make a grand skeptical of everything she planned next. We know she loved him, perhaps it was enough to do everything he asked, even siding with whoever would help see you dead." It killed her that her family wanted them both dead, enough to have actually tried it on several occations. She had always thought growing up, that it was an expression on television when people said they wanted family dead. Now she wished that's all it was.

Thinking it through, Kara realised Lena could be on to something, Eve did seem to disappear after everything with Red Daughter happened. "How do we find her?"

"Not a clue."

Alex was standing in the DEO following the orders of Lucy and trying not to seem too unhappy with the orders she had been given. It wouldn't help her to have more eyes on her with everything changing too quickly. Diana had agreed to stay with Kara almsot dying, deciding for everyone that they could potentially need someone as strong as Kara without the weakness.

It wasn't the best idea on her part. If the government got their way, Diana may be next on the list of people targeted as a threat. Although, as far as she could tell, that wouldn't go down well.

"You realise that if you stay, you could be next on thier list?" It was only her and Diana in the lab, the woman sticking close to her side whenever possible.

"Perhaps. Perhaps they will realise the error of their ways before such events come to pass." Alex side glanced Diana.

"How are you so positive? You have seen the worst of humanity." Like Kara, the woman next to her had seen so much destruction and the worst of people, and yet see the best in people.

Running a finger along the metal on her wrists, Diana whispered. "Humanity was swayed by the will of a God to be the worst of itself. Now it is not from hatred, but fear." Alex stopped to look at her. "Knowledge is power, yes. Fear is born from ignorance and the unknown, concepts humanity are trying to overcome."

"Do you think we can? Overcome the fear?"

Diana looked out to the people walking around in the DEO, military mixed with agents. None of them looked like they would hurt Kara or herself unprovoked, but looks could be deceaving. "I don't know. Fear has been ingrained in humanity for so long I think most will find it hard to move away from the more primal instincts fear produces."

Alex nodded, understanding completely. "Humanities greatest threat is itself."

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