A difficult conversation

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Kara left Alex to whatever she was doing and wanting to take her up on the advice, went to find Lena. It didn't take long to focus in on Lena's heartbeat out on the balcony. No one else was out there, which was a good thing, she wasn't sure Lena would agree to go flying somewhere else too willingly just now without persuasion.

"There is a hazard of flying superheroes on this balcony, I'd be careful where you step." Kara smiled at the CEO, she wanted to see her smile, more importantly, she wanted to be the reason she smiled.

"Unless Superman is planning to pay a visit, I think I'll be fine." Lena looked out at National City. "I'm guessing you're here to talk?"

Kara leant on the balcony. "That obvious?"

"Nothing about today is obvious, Kara. Talking is just the next logical step."

Kara looked at Lena's profile. "Do you want to talk here, or go somewhere more private?"

Lena looked at Kara. "And I assume you would fly us there?"

Kara caught Lena's eye. "Not if you don't want me to."

Looking back out over the city, Lena took a breath. "The L-Corp roof. No one has access to that but me and we won't be heard." She turned back to the hero, stepping back from the balcony so Kara could lift her up.

Kara stepped towards Lena, wrapping her hands around her waist. "Ready?"

"Just do it." Lena closed her eyes, nothing could make her like flying, not even Kara.

Taking off, Kara went slowly knowing how badly Lena hated flying. It didn't take long, the moment their feet touched the roof Kara's arms dropped from Lena. From here the view of the city was amazing, everything laid out before them, millions of lives displayed in every window. Lena looked out at the city, at the beauty of it; Kara looked at the CEO.

"Okay, you wanted to talk, let's talk."

Kara dragged her eyes from the CEO to look at the city. "Yeah. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for lying, for not telling you the truth, that you had to find out the way you did, that you hate me." Lena made to interrupt her. "Let me finish? Please?" Lena resumed silently looking at the city below. "I'm sorry for a lot of things, but I'm not sorry you're my friend.

"Being you're friend has taught me so much, not only about juding others, but how I view the world. Not everything is black and white, good or bad; there is a grey area that I didn't realise I lived in. You said it yourself, I don't like secrets and yet keep my name from everyone. I say it's because I want to protect the one's I love, but deep down, that's a lie."

Kara looked at her hands, "I keep my identity a secret because as soon as people know, they stop seeing Kara. All anyone sees is Supergirl, they see the powers, nothing else. You only ever saw Kara. You let me be myself, unapologetically Kara and that is something I haven't experienced since Krypton. Spending time with you made Earth home." Kara looked up to see Lena looking at her, the emotions in her eyes passing too quickly for Kara to process.

Lena swallowed the lump in her throat. "You betrayed me. You lied to my face everyday for three years, all because you thought I would treat you differently once I knew? Kara, you are my best friend and nothing you could have said would have changed that, but you took that decision upon yourself to make. You keep your secret to keep the ones you love safe, I understand that better than most. I moved to National City with the intention of being alone, never sharing my life with friends because all they bring to my life is pain, a sentiment I thought you proved wrong."

Lena could feel the tears running down her cheeks. "Obviously I was wrong. Besides, I spent three years in the dark about you and have already had assassination attempts made on my life, something tells me my Mother will always want me dead."

Kara wanted nothing but to hold Lena as she continued. "I bought Catco because it meant so much to you. I saved Supergirl from kryptonite because she's this city's hero. When Mercy attacked L-Corp I didn't care that she could kill me, all I cared about was making sure you were okay. I have protected you as much as you have me, Kara. If not for me you would be dead, Reign would have killed you or the kryptonite would have poisoned you. If not for you I would be dead ten times over. Even now, when I want nothing more than to never see you again, the universe sends our future daughter to fix her history and our futures. It makes me wonder if we even have a choice anymore?" Lena looked out over the city again, wiping her face.

Kara stepped closer to Lena, turning her to face her. "We are the choices we make Lena. No choice you could ever make would change my opinion of you. Yes, in some potential future we have a child; yes, that is confusing and hard to comprehend right now with where we are in our lives; but that is all she is, a potential child. You have a choice, never think you don't. Lara could disappear while we are here and I would see you no different than I did the first day I met you. I knew then that you weren't a Luthor, I knew that you were someone I wanted to know."

Kara licked her lips. "But I never thought you would be someone I loved. If you walk away today, I want you to know that I love you. Always."

The pair were still standing so close. Lena wasn't sure what to do, Kara had just told her she loved her. Before everything, she knew how she felt about Kara, knew she loved her, but after finding everything out, she wasn't sure.

"It's been a long day, I need some time. I will call you." Lena stepped away from Kara, turning away from her to the access door. Tears streaming once again. Tears matched by the blonde, left standing on the roof of L-Corp alone, the woman she loves walking away.

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