Calling on a friend

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Kara looked at Future Lena shocked. "Why do you want to go to Argo?"

"Because it has a piece of technology that could send us back home." Future Lena folded her arms.

"What are you- no." Kara ran a hand through her hair. "No. We are not using that machine." Kara took a step towards Future Lena. Of the five women in the room, three knew what was being discussed.

"Care to inform me what machine you are both talking about?" Lena raised an eyebrow. Kara glared at Future Lena and Kara, hoping to Roa that they stay quiet. They did not.

"On Kripton we used a sorting machine of some sort to decide jobs and spouses. It reads a persons DNA and supposedly, it tells you everything about yourself, even the name of your other half." Future Kara explained.

Lena moved to lean against the back of the couch, facing them all. "How exactly would that machine help you?"

Future Lena looked at her past self, obviously struggling with everything. "If we combine that machine with the device Cisco gave Kara to jump between Earths, it is highly probably that the machine will open a portal back to our time, if we input our DNA moments after yours."

Kara was shaking her head, she couldn't do this, wouldn't do this. "No. There is a reason I didn't use that machine when I was on Argo last time, I am not using it now."

Future Kara frowned at herself. "What? Why not? Last I checked, the only thing we can all agree on, is that we need to get home. This will do that." Lena looked at the two supers, staring at each other, willing the other to break first.

Kara looked away. "Even if we wanted to leave, I just outed myself to the world. Leaving is not an option." Future Kara stepped back, jaw clenched. "Who would protect both National City and Metropolis? Or have you forgotten that at this point in time, Kal is also on Argo with Lois?"

Both Lenas and Lara watch the blondes' conversation, waiting for one to concede to the other. "Well that is unfortunte... but we have to go." Kara stared at her future self, looking so smug and confident that she was winning this argument.

She knew of one person that would help, all she needed to do was make a call. Turning to the balcony Kara pulled out her phone, bringing up a contact she hasn't had the need to use yet. Pulling open the door, Kara stepped onto the balcony, closing the door behind her before calling the number.

She answered on the second ring. "Kara?"

"Hey. Can I ask a favour?" Kara leant against the edge of the balcony, looking over the city.

"Of course."

"I need to go off world for a few days and was hoping you could protect National City and Metropolis whilst I'm gone." Kara watched the city below her, watched the people running through their day with their own problems.

"I'm in National City on business. I can be at Lena's penthouse in ten minutes." Kara heard movement through the phone.

"I'd ask how you know I'm here, but I'd rather ask how do you know where Lena's penthouse is?" Laugher filled Kara's ear as the line went dead. Smiling, Kara closed her eyes, listening to the world around her; cars driving, people talking, and most unfortunately a helicopter closing in. With a sigh, Kara made her way back inside.

"What did they say?" Lena looked at the phone still in Kara's hand, she was the only one that couldn't have heard the call.

"They'll be here in ten minutes." Kara's phone starts ringing... Cat Grant. Showing Lena the phone, the younger Super accepts the call, putting it on speaker. "Cat?"

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