Talking to yourself... kind of?

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By the time Alex and Diana appeared at the DEO, everyone was on edge. Lara spotted the pair first, noting the Wonder Woman suit first, her draw dropping.

"Why did you never tell me Diana Prince was Wonder Woman?" The youngest Super glared between her Mothers', neither wanting to talk. Thankfully, Lena saved them from having to answer as she realised what Lara said.

"Seriously? Are any of my friends NOT superheroes?" Tipping her head back to complain to the heavens, Lena groaned.

Diana smiled at Lena, entertained at the unusual childish behaviour. "Very few know my identity Lena, do not take it personal." The frustrated brunette gave the superhero a look. "Although, it is a funny coincidence." The joke did nothing for Lena's mood, only earning her a more frustrated glare.

"The ship is ready. I have pre-programmed the coordinates for Argo, all you need to do is start the thrusters." Brainy seemed to appear next to Alex at the console, making at least one Supergirl in the room jump, amusing everyone.

"How did you both miss him walking in?" Alex looked between the two versions of her sister, the older looking at Future Lena.

"I was distracted." Future Lena smirked, knowing exactly why she was listening so intently.

"So, we should get going. The journey won't take too long." Kara avoided the question, as like her future self, she had been listening to her Lena's heartbeat.

With everyone's agreement the group made their way to the ship, Diana and Alex waving them off. "So how long is this journey going to take?" Lena was happy to be in space, but alone in a ship with nothing but Kara, their future MARRIED selves, and their future daughter was more than she could handle for a long period of time.

"A couple of hours. Brainy managed to find a way to increase the Legion ship's cruising speed." Kara messed with a few controls, getting them out of the atmosphere.

"Until then?"

Lara sat by one of the windows, looking out into space speeding past. "We relax."

Everyone looked around the ship, unsure what to do, Kara chose to sleep, exhausted after the draining day that was no doubt going to get worse when they arrived. Future Kara sat opposite Lara and watched the familiar galaxies around her. Lena left to explore the ship in more detail after her last visit during the Daximite invasion was hectic to say the least.

She had been exploring for a while, taking her time and studying everything when she heard the door hiss open. Having taken a moment to look out into the void of space passing them by, Lena spotted who had come looking for her.

"I wondered when you would come looking for a conversation." Lena watched her future self in the windows, the lights casting a great reflection of the almost mirror imaged CEO's as she let the door hiss shut and move a switch on the control panel, soundproofing the room. "Something you don't want the others to hear?"

Seeing herself raise an eyebrow to herself, Lena realised how no one was able to say no her when she did it. It even made her want to take the comment back. "That depends."

"On what?" Turning to face her future self, Lena heard Kara's words from earlier that week, telling her everything was her choice.

"You." It was time for Lena to raise an eyebrow, confused as to why Future Lena would think she had something to hide. "I can see you have questions, but first, why won't you let her in?"

Lena huffed out a laugh, how had she not seen this line of conversation coming? "I let her in and she betrayed me."

Future Lena watched her younger self with concern, she knew she had been upset and angry but to be this angry? "And you said the kryptonite was Lex's." Lena glared at herself. "The point is, you both lied and before you start, remember who you are talking to when you defend your actions." Lena's mouth closed, her jaw clenching with the effort of staying quiet.

"I am going to tell you something I probably shouldn't. Until Lara dropped from the sky our timelines were the same. I found out the same way you did but I realised something you seem to be missing." Searching for Lena's eyes, the older CEO tried to make her see it on her own.

"If any of that is true, what could I possibly be missing?" She looked so smug, how did Kara ever fall for this?

"You know, for a genius you aren't very smart." Lena made a face, wanting to slap herself. "You say you never knew, but some part of you did. No genius misses every sign that the extraordinary are smiling at them from across a couch." Lena felt the anger leave her, realising that she was making sense.

"Supergirl was always there to save you and I know, if you are honest with yourself, you knew her and Kara were one and the same on the aeroplane." Tears brimmed in Lena's eyes, her breathes coming a little raggid. "She would have let the chemicals fall that day, that's why you climbed, that's why I climbed. I saw it in her eyes. Either she saved everyone, me included, or she saved no one."

Lena took a deep breath, steadying her breathing and wiped away stray tears. "The glasses and ponytail aren't the best disguise."

Smiling slightly, Future Lena took a step closer to her younger self. "Be honest... why won't you let her in?"

Lena turned back to the blackness of space through the windows, licking her lips. "I-I need... I need to take control of something and letting Kara back in. I can control that."

Future Lena's heart broke hearing her own reasons for keeping Kara at bay. "Letting Kara in won't lose you control. Futures aside, turning away happiness because it scares you is never the right thing. Letting happiness in, letting go of control when it comes to love, is the best decision anyone could make. No advancement was ever made because someone played it safe."

Lena stood there, not looking at her future self, refusing to the see the look on her face at knowing she got to her. However, watching her reflection, a peice of a puzzle clicked into place as she scrutinised every detail she could see.

"Are you going to tell her?"

Future Lena frowned. "Tell who, what?"

Either she was playing dumb or didn't think Lena would notice. "Kara? Your Kara I mean?"

"Tell my Kara what?" A muscle twitched in her jaw, she was getting worried.

"That it's not just the three of you anymore?" The revelation was surprising, but at this point nothing seemed to shock Lena, her future self pregnant was just another thing on the list.

"How?" Future Lena slumped into the seat near her.

Lena moved to sit next to her. "You may be from the future and somehow - I won't ask how - barely older than I am now, but I know my own body. Bags under the eyes and while you were talking, thinking I wasn't watching, you placed a hand on your stomache. My guess is if Kara knows, you're trying to hide it from Lara. Something that can be difficult when she has superhearing." The two brunnette's looked at each other, soft smiles on their faces. "Don't worry. Secrets safe with me."

"Thank you. Are you going to let Kara in?"

Lena nodded her head. "I will try. Now get some sleep, we still have a while before we get there. I think."

Chuckling, Future Lena stood up, leaving to find a better place to sleep, turning off the soundproofing as she left. Thinking on it, Lena realised she had a great idea with sleep, settling onto the couch she had just been sharing to get some sleep. Her mind filled with everything her future self had told her and Kara the last thing to cross her mind as she drifted off.

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