Agents of Who?

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Kara flew back to her loft, the peace of flying lost on her. Not once, throughout the night did her hearing stray from the lone heartbeat across the city, as familiar as breathing. Lena didn't know she was listening to her heartbeat, ready to fly back at the first hint of trouble.

Her focus was solely on Lena, so much so that she didn't see or hear the bullet before it embedded itself in her shoulder. Screaming from the pain and shock, Kara sped over the top of her couch, falling behind with a  groan. Kryptonite was making its way through her blood, a thousand needles ripping at her insides bringing tears to her eyes.

From behind the sofa, Kara could hear more bullets flying into the cushions, stuffing and feathers floating over her. Holding her shoulder, the super preyed to Roa that she was safe, that Alex would come.

"RAO!" One bullet made it's way through the destroyed couch, grazing her already injured arm.

"Su-Supergi-Supergirl! Can you hear me?" Alex's voice rang in her ear. Her comms, she left them in earlier.

"Alex. Kryptonite bullets." Kara couldn't get anything else out as more bullets rained down in her living room. Whomever this was, they knew who she was. The poisoned rain continued for another minute, the following silence deafening.

Kara tried to use her powers, but there was nothing there. The kryptonite was already working, sapping her strength in a torture Kara wouldn't wish on anyone. She tried to stay awake, push against the darkness at the edges of her vision. The last thing Kara saw was her door blasting open, a blurry image of her sister running in, gun drawn.

Alex sat by Kara's bed, the sun lamps on full power. Two hours ago Kara's comms had come online with her screams, screams she hadn't heard. J'onn had gone to inform the President of the attack whilst Alex was meant to tell Lara and Lena, but she couldn't move. Her sister's face was peaceful, the weight of the world removed for a while, instead sitting on her own shoulders. A weight never meant for one human to bear alone, already crushing her.

Pulling her phone out, Alex brought up Lena's contact, her thumb hovering over the number.

"Alex! We have a problem." J'onn came striding into the med bay, face grim.

"Worse than Supergirl shot in her own home?" What could be worse than this?

"Air Force One was just shot down over the Atlantic, the President was on board." J'onn looked at Kara, asleep on the bed.

"This wasn't random." Alex couldn't look at J'onn, she knew he was going to ask her to work, the last thing she wanted to do. "Let me call Lena."

"Wheels up in ten." J'onn took one look at the sisters, leaving Alex to have a difficult conversation in private.

Holding the phone to her ear, it rang twice. "Alex?"

Alex swallowed the lump in her throat, "Lena, there's been an attack. Kara's been shot with kryptonite bullets. We got her to the DEO and took the bullets out, but she's asleep and won't wake up for at least several more hours. Can you stay with her?"

The line stayed silent for a moment. "I'm on my way. Tell me exactly how this could have happened?" Lena sounded pissed, her sadness turned to anger to keep her from breaking.

"We don't know yet. All we know is that whomever this was, they wanted Supergirl out of the way when they shot down Air Force One." It was more information than she should be giving, especially to a CEO with government contracts, but it was Lena.

"Have you told Lara?"

Alex rubbed her face, she completely forgot about Kara's future daughter sat in their cells downstairs. "No. And I don't have time, J'onn wants me ready to go in less than ten."

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