Future Selves

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Lara looked at her Mother, her actual Mother stood in front of her past self. The screen on her wrist was still showing 'NO SIGNAL' , this shouldn't have been possible.

"The feed is dead." Winn was holding all the wires connected to the camera in his hand, disconnecting everything having been the quickest option. Lena looked between the two Kara's jaw on the floor almost with the new development.

"Kara who is this and why does she look like you? Don't tell me we have another Bizarro on our hands?" Cat grabbed a glass from the coffee table and poured herself a drink.

Kara looked at the woman in front of her; the face was the same, the hair, but the suit was different, darker and had pants.

The second Kara looked away from herself and focused her attention on Lara. "You are in some serious trouble." Lara looked both scared and happy at the sight of her Mother.

"I'm sorry, but again. Who are you?" Cat wasn't happy now.

Future Kara looked at Cat. "Sorry. I'm Kara, or a version of her that exists in the future of this timeline." Cat's jaw dropped to the floor.

"What are you doing here? Actually, how are you here?" Kara looked at her future self, confused and angry.

Future Kara walked into the room fully. "I would have thought it was obvious, Kara. I'm here for my - well, our - daughter."

Lara couldn't move. She wanted to, but her legs wouldn't work. "Is Mum here too?"

Kara looked at Cat, jaw still hanging open. "Why don't we have this conversation somewhere more private?" At that moment the three super's heard someone in the elevators.

"Brilliant idea, but where? My apartment is out and the DEO is probably a no go right now." Kara bounced on the balls of her feet, anxious to get out of CatCo.

"My penthouse. My security measures don't allow anyone up without prior verbal confirmation from myself." Lena looked at the three blonde women, two identical and wished she could be left here like Cat.

"Great. Let's go." Future Kara walked to the balcony and jumped, followed by Lara. Kara waited for her, arms open ready to fly her.

"I'll go slow. Ready?" Lena wrapped her arms around Kara as she did the same.

"Ready." Lena could see, just as they flew out of the balcony doors, several people running through the offices to see what was happening, only to be met by a shocked and confused Winn and Cat Grant.

Touching down on Lena's balcony wasn't unusual for Kara, but seeing herself whilst she did so was. Barry was going to have a fit when he heard about everything. Despite constantly having attempts made on her life, the group found it surprising that Lena simply pushed her balcony door open.

"Do you seriously not lock this?" Kara followed her in, the other two after her.

Lena turned to see her Kara frowning at her. "If you can find a more secure building I would like to see it."

"Aren't people constantly almost killing you?" Kara was worried, but she didn't have to be.

"At my office? Sure. Here? Never." Lena's smug look fell as the front door's lock disengaged with a click. The four of them looked as the front door opened, revealing Lena.

"Mum!" Lara super sped to hug Lena, the future CEO catching her without a problem.

Lena stood by Kara, both shocked to see another future version. This was getting too confusing, seeing another Kara was one thing, seeing herself was crazy.

"Hey Sweetheart. I am so happy to see you, but you are in so much trouble when we get home." Lena let go of Lara to look at Kara still stood by the balcony door. "Miss me?"

Kara folded her arms. "You were gone for three hours." Lena raised an eyebrow. "But yes." Lena broke out into a grin while Kara chuckled.

"Not to break up this reunion, but how are you here and why isn't the timeline imploding in on itself?" Kara recovered from her shock first. Barry was going to have a fit when he heard about this, if they didn't destroy the fabric of time in the process.

Lena looked away from her Kara to the past version. "We followed the signal from Lara's wristband to get here. As for the time thing, that is an Earth One problem thanks to Barry messing around too many times."

"Hold on, before we go any further on anything, we need to sort out our names. This is getting confusing with two Kara's and two Lena's." Each of them looked at one another, silent agreement falling in the room.

"She has a point." Lara looked between two sets of her parents.

Future Kara frowned. "How about we call Lena and I, Future Lena and Future Kara? Using last names won't work and I'm going ot guess nicknames are still the same." Everyone nodded. "Now, Future Lena did you find a way to get us home?"

Future Lena looked at each of the group, a frown on her face. "Yes, but it requires some travel."

Kara looked at her the future version of her friend. "Why don't you look older?" She was right, Future Lena didn't look older than a few years than her Lena.

Future Lena rolled her eyes. "Long story."

Lara jumped in. "Where are we going?"

Future Kara fixed her daughter with a glare. "What makes you think you're coming?"

Lara smiled. "We both know that you are never leaving me here alone after what's happened." Future Lena smiled slightly at the pair of them. "So Mum, where?"


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