I'm Not Running Anymore

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"Something tells me this isn't going to be a funny conversation." Lena smiled at Kara, there was no reason to hide. If Kara didn't know how she felt now, she's pretty sure the news would show her soon enough.

"You saved me." Kara linked her hand with Lena's. She was starting to believe she could have everything they had seen, a family, a happy life.

Reaching to put some hair behind Kara's ear, Lena's hand rested on her cheek for a moment. "Would you believe I just wanted to repay you for the many times you have saved mine?"

Kara turned her cheek to Lena's hand. "No." Pulling slightly on the hand she held, she urged Lena closer.

"Good..." Lena sat on the edge of Kara's hospital bed. "But you lied to me."

The smile on Kara's face fell. When had she lied? Other than the obvious times? Nervous, Lena's smirk wasn't helping her. A jump in the monitor tracking her vitals seriously didn't help. "Wh-What are you t-talk-talking about?" Frowning at the stuttering mess Lena made her, Kara could feel the blush on her cheeks.

"We don't have a choice in this." Lena rested her head on their joined hands, green searching for blue. "A week ago, I wanted nothing to do with you, wanted you to leave me alone. Then our future daughter crashed here because the future changed, and before you argue we both know it was me."

Lena pressed her lips to the back of Kara's hand. "If that wasn't enough, you got shot. One more bullet and you would have died. You have revealed your identity to the world, we have seen our future selves, and sent everyone back to their time. Now, just when things could get back to normal or normal for us, your heart stopped. You died.

"For thirty seconds, I lost you. I don't even really have you and I lost you." Lena leant her forehead against Kara's, the blonde stunned into silence at what Lena was saying. "So Kara Danvers, you lied to me because, despite everything spec of Luthor DNA in me, I refuse to lose you."

Lena's voice was a whisper, the space between them so small Kara was burning from the anticipation. When Lena didn't move again, even made to move back, Kara acted on instinct, bringing her free hand to the back of Lena's neck. Pulling her in, Kara crashed her lips against Lena's. Electricity she hadn't felt before ran between them, making her smile into the kiss. It wasn't a dream, she had felt a fraction of that electricity even dying. 

Pulling back slightly, Lena opened her eyes a fraction to see Kara's still closed. "This doesn't mean I'm not still mad at you."

Urging her back in for another kiss, Kara already addicted to the feeling. "I know."

Alex entered the DEO to everyone running about and just devolving into chaos. This was never going to end well.

"Director Danvers." Brainy was at the console, as was Lucy Lane. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as she thought.

"Alex. Glad you could join us." Scratch that thought, Lane looked pissed.

Moving to the console, Alex looked the woman in the eyes. "What can I do for you Lucy?" She wasn't sure what title the woman held these days, but if she was here it definitely wasn't the one she left with.

"General Lane." Shit. "I'm here to talk to the DEO about Supergirl." How had they ever seen this woman as a friend, or whatever it was they were when she dated James.

"There's nothing to talk about. The DEO's partnership with Supergirl remains unchanged." Alex's jaw set as Lucy stepped towards her.

"Your sister disobeyed a direct order from the President. He is not going to let that go." Something in Lucy's eyes made Alex pause, not that anyone would notice.

"Last I checked, he wanted to know her identity. Now he does." Bending the rules never felt so satisfying than seeing the few agents around them give them a wide berth.

"Along with the rest of the world." Lucy's mouth twitched. "We can't get to Supergirl whilst she is in Lena's building, but I think The Fortress of Solitude would placate the President." Alex looked like she was going to punch her. "At least until we can get into Kara's new apartment." Lucy didn't even wait for an answer, just turned away to the screens behind her.

Clenching her jaw, Alex glared at Lucy's back not lasting long in the woman's presence. "I will see what I can do, General Lane." No one stopped Alex from leaving, the Director looking like she would kill the next person to speak to her.

A ten minute journey turned into thirty as she made sure she wasn't followed. The walk to the door silent with the floor cleared till the end of the week. Kara's door wasn't even on properly yet and it had been days.

No sound came from the apartment, but that didn't say much. Looking at the door on the floor inside the entrance, Alex let out a breath and stepped inside. The couch was destroyed, dried blood still stained the floor and worse was the sprayed message on the walls.


The crude drawing of a crucifix with the symbol of the house of El made their intentions clear. It was something Alex never wanted to think about and it made her feel sick just from the thought. They would display her for the world to see, their hero no match for the power they possess.

"You came." Alex turned to see Lucy in the bedroom area of Kara's apartment, obviously not wanting to be seen through the doorway.

"No one knows Kara's staying at Lena's permanently, so it wasn't a big leap." Alex joined her out of sight of the doorway. "You never told anyone you knew?"

Lucy frowned. "Believe it or not Alex, I still consider Kara a friend. I thought about it, sure, but they offered me this job to come back here and-" Lucy took off her hat. "-and something didn't feel right. The only person to gain from shooting down Air Force One is the Vice President, then he demands to know Supergirl's identity. I got a look at a file, they had missions lined up already, ones I know Kara wouldn't like. Kara gets back only to be exposed to kryptonite stronger than I have ever seen, nothing the military has. Something is going on and I don't think we can trust the President to change his stance."

Alex paced around the room, "What are you suggesting Lucy? Lena is already keeping Kara in her building and I doubt she is going to let her out for a while. That is even assuming Kara wants to leave, given she did just have her heart stopped from exposure to kryptonite." Lucy nodded her head.

"Good. We know Ben Lockwood is involved somehow, he has never liked aliens, but nothing else. I'm going to try and get information from the military, if you gather some from the DEO and maybe get Lena on this too? We are fixing this." Alex nodded and started towards the door. "Alex?"

She turned back to the General. "Yeah?"

Lucy rubbed the back of her neck. "I know she went to Argo. I was just wondering if she has said how Lois is and if she knew when they were coming back?" She hadn't spoken to her sister since her last visit to National City, had had to hear about the pregnancy through a family friend.

"She's okay. The three of them should be coming back in a month with Kara's Mother. I suspect if we could get a message through they would be here tomorrow, but I guess that's a good thing." Alex tried to smile, but Lucy just looked so defeated, so out of touch with her own family. Seeing that, she vowed she would never let that happen with Kara. No matter what.

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