Family Dinner

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Kara walked around her childhood home, not much had changed. Watching her Mother make lunch for the five of them she felt Lois stop next to her.

"Nice clothes." Lois nodded to the white dress similar to her own Kara was wearing, trading her suit for something more comfortable. "Where's the suit?"

"The ship. Didn't want to risk leaving it here, Alex would have my head." Smiling, Lois chuckled. "How have you been finding Argo anyway?" Turning to face her cousin-in-law, Kara smiled at the biggest grin she had seen on Lois' face.

"It's been great. I love it. Don't get me wrong, I miss home, but having time to spend with everyone here is just amazing."

Looking around the room, Kara grinned. "Since we got here I haven't spotted a certain someone that I would love to hold. Can I hold out hope for Johnathan to be joining us at some point, or will I need to go hunting before we leave?" As she turned back Lois the front door opened, Kal carrying Johnathan.

"Speak of the devil." Lois stepped past Kara to Kal, kissing him on the cheek. "Kara had just expressed her desire to see him."

"And which of us exactly is the devil?" Kal smiled, "Kara." He held out his arms, ready to give her Johnathan. "Support the head."

Kara held her nephew close, "I've got him." Looking at his little face, Kara stroked his chubby cheek with a finger, laughing when he reached up and grabbed it.

"Lois, could you help me for a minute?" Alura called over from the kitchen, not too long from finished. Lois nodded and left them there, Kara holding Johnathan and Kal watching the two of them.

"So, how big of a mess is waiting for you when you get back?"

Kara smiled at as Johnathan pulled at her finger. "The world knows my identity, the military and maybe the President want me locked up, I have nowhere to live after the shooting, have most likely lost my job, and my best friend - who I apparently marry - can barely stand the sight of me. How bad does it sound?"

Kal scratched his jaw. "Why do you sound hopeful if everything if that bad?"

Kara looked up, spotting Lena looking out the window across from Kal. "Because if I don't hope this will all work out, it won't. Besides, how can I not smile with little guy in my arms?" At that moment Johnathan started crying. "Um... okay. You can take him again." Passing the crying baby back Kal laughed at his cousin.

"Seriously? You can save the world but a crying baby has Kara Zor-El beat?" Kal laughed as he walked over to the kitchen, leaving Kara and Lena alone.

Lena looked out over Argo, still reeling from everything she had found out today. She hadn't meant to eavesdrop but still, she had heard Kara's conversation with Kal. Kara truly thought she couldn't stand to look at her? Hearing everything these past few days, she knew it wasn't Kara she couldn't look at. It was herself.

She killed her brother to protect Supergirl, to protect her best friend, the woman she loved and no matter how much she wanted to deny it, she had known. Deep down, on some unconscious level, she had known Kara was Supergirl.

From the corner of her eye, Lena saw Kara step next to her, looking out over the remainder of Krypton. "If I tell you something, I need you not to be angry with me. Can you do that?" Lena licked her lips, her voice cracking as she spoke.

Kara didn't look at her. "I can try."

Taking a breath, Lena watched the sun bathe the city in a warm red light. "Lex didn't die when you fought him. He used one of his watches to go to the secret room we found in the prison."

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