One Year Later

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Lena woke to the rising sun on her face, her hand instantly reaching for the other half of the bed. Cold sheets greeted her like normal making her sigh. She was about to roll over and ignore the new day but she caught sight of the date on the clock before she could.

Today was the day, a year since everything. Pulling the covers back, Lena sat on the edge of the bed and traced the emblem on her bracelet. Finally able to see the clock fully, Lena took in the time, eyes going wide. How had she slept in so late?

Running from the bedroom in a pair of shorts and one of Kara's old t-shirts she ran down the corridor to find the last room empty. Knowing she needed to calm down, Lena took a breath before listening to the sounds coming from downstairs.

She wasn't even fully down the stairs before she spotted her in the kitchen. Not wanting to spoil her element of surprise, Lena crept downstairs and behind the woman attempting to cook.

Arms snaking around her waist, Lena leaned in to whisper in the other woman's ear. "I thought we agreed you wouldn't cook unsupervised."

"I'm not unsupervised."

"Kara our three month old daughter does not count as supervision." Lena kissed Kara's neck, trying to pull her away from the stove.

Lena pulled back just enough to let her wife turn to face her. "I think you need to be more specific in your agreements."

Raising an eyebrow, Lena didn't even warrant that comment with a response, choosing instead to let Kara go and move over to the high chair by the dining table across the room. Like expected, their daughter was happily slapping the table of her high chair.

"What do you think Lara? Does Mummy need to make herself more specific or does Mama need to leave the kitchen?" Grinning at the babbling that came out of her daughter's mouth Lena kissed her head and looked at Kara. "She says you need to step away from the stove before you burn the house down."

Kara looked up from the eggs she was trying to make. "Not fair. For all we know she is saying that I am an incredible cook." Just as she finished talking smoke started to rise from the eggs.

"Point proven. Now let Kelex make us something we can actually eat before your Mother calls to scold us for being late." Lena sat down at the table and gave Kara a pointed look until she started shuffling towards them.

By the time they had finished breakfast Alura was knocking on their door, Kelex letting her in. "Girls I don't want to be late, come on." Alura's voice rang through the house, reaching Lena and Lara at the top of the stairs before Kara who was still in the bedroom.

"Hi Alura." Heading downstairs to greet her Mother-in-law, Lena smiled at the brunette standing by the door. "As you can see two of us are ready. I swear it is like having two children, maybe worse since Lara isn't even that much trouble."

Alura laughed, "I suppose we could leave her here."

Smiling, Lena nodded, shifting Lara in her arms. "You're right." Raising her voice loud enough for Kara to hear Lena continued. "We should go. I don't want to be late and Rao knows when Kara will be down here."

That trick always worked as a minute later they heard Kara making her way downstairs. "Don't you dare leave me behind again."

Laughing even harder, Lena watched Kara almost fall down the last few steps. "That was one time and it was leave you here panicking, or have our daughter on the couch." Kara gasped offended. "Besides, it's not like you missed anything."

Walking towards the door, Alura opened it for Lena since she was holding Lara, chuckling at the pairs antics. "Didn't miss anything? I barely made it to the hospital in time." Kara wasn't giving up this argument as they started walking towards the field at the edge of Argo City.

"Better than not making it at all. Or have you forgotten that you left me in our apartment to go on a suicide mission the day after our wedding?" She knew it was a low blow, but it was deserved in this argument.

They weren't too far away now, Alura staying silent. "I'm not going to live that one down am I?"

Lena turned her head to look at Kara. "Depends. Do you still want to talk about me leaving you to go to the hospital to give birth to our daughter?"

Kara shook her head, no matter how much time passed Lena would always be a master of arguments. "Nope."

"Good answer." Smiling, Lena turned back to following Alura as they made it to the field, just in time to see the Legion ship come through the shields. "Look who's here Lara." Pointing up at the sky, smiled as Lara started laughing.

Once the ship landed they all waited for the doors to open, revealing Alex and J'onn. Neither of them looked that different but a year without physically seeing them was still a long time. Lena spotted the moment Alex's eyes landed on the little girl in her arms, everyone else was forgotten as Alex made a straight shot to Lara, practically scooping her from Lena's arms.

"Nice to see you too, Alex." Kara pouted, not liking the attention Lara was taking away from her.

Alex looked up for a moment. "Hey, you two look great. Now I have missed out on some important Auntie time with this little one so, if you will excuse us."

Kara shook her head and hugged J'onn. "It's great to see you J'onn. How have you been?"

J'onn didn't let the hug go for another few seconds, having missed the ray of sunshine more than he cared to admit. "It's great to see you too and I have been good. The DEO has been back to normal for a while and we have some good news." Not sure what he was getting at, Kara looked at Lena, who was focused on Alex and Lara not too far away.

"What good news?" Hearing the question pulled Lena's focus onto their conversation.

J'onn smiled at the two of them. "Since you two left a year ago things have changed. We got proof of everything and the video of those two military units shooting you whilst willingly surrendering and cooperating got a lot of press."

Alex walked over with Lara. "You can thank Cat Grant for that. She personally wrote every article and conducted every interview about it."

J'onn nodded. "She did. What we are trying to get at is, not only have Lockwood and Baker been arrested, but President Baker was removed from the White House. Susan Brayden is now the President of the United States and has denounced all actions Baker took against you.-"

Alex cut J'onn off. "You can come home."

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