Epilogue Part II

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Stood outside the Legion ship ready to go, Kara hugged her Mother, tears in her eyes. "I'm going to miss you so much."

Alura pulled back from the hug. "Don't, I'll come and visit soon. I am not going a year without seeing your daughter's beautiful face." Chuckling at Kara's mock offended face, Alura moved kissed her daughter on the cheek. "Now go before I start to cry."

Loading up onto the ship, Kara joined everyone else on the ship, watching the door close until she couldn't see her Mother anymore. Argo wasn't a bad place to live the past year, but it wasn't home, even if home was more complicated. Lost in thought, she didn't hear Lena approach her until her arms were wrapped around her waist.

"Where's Lara?"

Lena leant her forehead against Kara's back. "With J'onn and Alex on the main deck. Are you okay?" Standing there it was easy for Kara's mind to wonder what would happen when they got back, whether things had truely changed or not.

Turning around, Kara wrapped Lena in a hug. "I'm fine. I'm just worried about Lara."

Debating whether or not to tell her, Lena smiled. "Darling, we are going to be perfectly fine. You read the letter, so we know everything works out - even if it's not the way we thought." Lena pulled back. "Besides, I know we are going to be happy."

Frowning, Kara looked down at her wife. "What are you talking about?"

Lena shook her head. "You will find out eventually." Stepping back she pulled Kara with her further into the ship. "Now lets get some sleep because I was up with Lara all night and I need you next to me."

Laughing, Kara let herself be led to one of the rooms away from the others so they could sleep.

Touching down outside National City, Kara and Lena knew Alex had sorted a truck from the DEO to get their stuff to wherever they wanted. What they didn't expect was for Sam to be waiting for them as the door opened. "Sam?" Lena took off towards her best friend, Lara thankfully with Kara.

"Lena." Sam embraced Lena ecstatic to see her friend after a year. "I am so happy you are back."

Pulling back from the hug, Lena smiled at the brunette. "Me too. How have you been? How's Ruby?" It was like the Luthor had never left, the two falling back into conversation so easily.

Sam shook her head. "I will talk to you when we get back to your apartment." Lena looked at her confused. "Since you left L-Corp to me in your absence, I kept it exactly as you left it. The cleaners should be finishing up about now and security will have gone over it before you arrive."

Alex cut in before Lena could say anything. "I hate to break this reunion up, but if we don't leave now people are going to realise you three got here." Lena nodded and went to move with Sam to the car.

Sam stopped Lena from pulling her away. "Three?"

At Sam's question, Lena realised she had never told the woman about Lara, an oversight that she is never going to live down. "Yes. Three." Looking at Sam and then to Kara already stood by the car, Lara asleep in her arms.

Sam's jaw hit the floor as she took in the child in Kara's arms. "YOU HAVE A KID?!"

Laughing, Lena started pulling at Sam to get to the car. "Yes, now can you be mad at me when we get to the apartment? I really can't be bothered dealing with the press yet." Thankfully, Sam sped up and matched Lena's pace to the car, the group quickly settling in as Alex grabbed a car seat from the back.

Getting into the apartment was easier said than done, word had already spread of the ship landing outside the city and everyone had a guess as to who was back. As it was they had several paparazzi outside Lena's building waiting for them as they drove past.

"How are we getting inside?" Lena looked around the women in the car.

Kara looked at their daughter next to her. "My powers are back, so I could fly us up-"

"Not happening." Kara looked at Lena as she glared at her. "You are not flying anywhere with our three month-old daughter."

Nodding her head, Kara didn't offer up another option as Sam sheepishly looked at Lena. "I may have made some adjustments over the last year and may or may not have added a back entrance to the building complete with the most advanced security system known to man." Sam's face was practically red by the time she finished the sentence. "And by maybe, I totally did."

Lena wished she could wrap the woman in a hug, instead having to settle on a hand to her shoulder. "You are the best. Thank you."

Pulling up at the back of the building, the group made it inside easily and unseen to Lena's apartment. Just as Sam had said the place was immaculate and cleared by security, even if it didn't stop Kara from x-raying the entire place with her powers returning. Satisfied, Kara looked at Lena.

"I'm going to go get our stuff." She was about to head to the balcony when Lena stopped her with a hand to her arm.

"Be careful flying without your suit. I don't want to have to explain why my balcony was blown to pieces when we have been here an hour." Smirking, Lena knew Kara couldn't tell if she was joking or not which made the nervous nods much more fun to watch. A year and Kara still got nervous around her.

It barely took five minutes for Kara to have their boxes in the apartment, the group setting up Lara's room first so they could get the girl to bed before grabbing a drink. All of which only took ten minutes once they all decided to just let Kara do it all with her super speed.

Sitting on the couches in front of the TV, Sam poured them all a glass of wine and handed them out. "Welcome home."

Toasting, they all had a sip when Lena pulled her glass back and looked at Kara. "Why do you drink this if you can't get drunk?"

Kara laughed as she swallowed her wine. "It's easier to drink it than come up with reasons not to and I think it tastes nice." They all took another sip when Lena groaned. "What?"

Falling back into the couch, Lena looked at the wine in her glass with longing. "I just realised I can't get drunk on this anymore."

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