Family Reunion

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Lara was moved to another room when Alex deemed her fit enough, it seemed like a luxury cell if anything. Alex didn't stay long, actually, she didn't stay at all. She wasn't sure what they were putting on her documents since none of them knew her name. None of them; Kara hadn't come back and Alex wouldn't look her in the eyes.

Sitting on the bed with her legs up, Lara pressed the button at the side of her mask, retracting it into her suit. The cool air hitting her face, letting her breath easier. With the mask gone, she could finally pull the hood down, her blonde hair falling around her face.

Wanting to see if it would work now she was alone, Lara activated the screen on her wrist. 'NO SIGNAL'. No one was there. Tears landed on the screen and Lara wiped them away before the camera could pick up on them.

"Get it together Lara. This is no time to fall apart." The words were only a whisper, but Lara hadn't noticed Alex standing on the other side of the door.

"From where I'm standing, this seems like the perfect reason to fall apart."

Lara snapped up to look at her Auntie. "Alex... I didn't know you were there."

"I gathered." Alex looked at Lara, recognition in her eyes as she studied her face fully. "I just came down here to tell you that Kara went to get Lena. They should be here soon."

Lara looked confused for a moment, working through how they could know to bring Lena. "The blood. You ran my DNA for a match."

Alex nodded. "You're smart."

Lara laughed, it was dry and cold. "My Mum's a genius, what did you expect?" Alex didn't get a chance to respond as an alert rang on her tablet.

"Looks like they're here."

Lena followed Kara through the DEO, down to their cells, her apology still confusing her. Why was she apologising for bringing her here to help someone.

Alex met them outside a secured section of cells. "Good luck." The Director rushed off before Lena could ask what she meant, Kara urging her inside before she could ask her.

Inside, all the cell doors were open except one, the glass tinted white. "Kara. Stop. Tell me what the hell is going on or I'm not moving another step." Lena folded her arms and raised one eyebrow. Kara never could say no to the eyebrow raise.

Kara went to fiddle with her glasses, "The portal that opened up last night... a girl fell through - crashed through more like."

Lena cut her off from saying anything else. "I saw that on the news, and I read your article. It was nothing to worry about."

Kara bit her lip. "That isn't entirely true. While the girl isn't a threat, her appearance is directly linked to you... and me." Lena gestured for her to continue. "She was unconscious when I brought her in but she woke up for a minute, and in the confusion let something slip about who she is. Brainy determined the portal's origin as National City 2039, that coupled with her calling Director Danvers Auntie, and her alien abilities... she's my daughter."

Kara was barely audible, Lena straining to hear her. "Not that I don't care, but what does this have to do with me?" Lena was staring Kara down at this point, the blonde not looking her in the eyes.

"Talking to her, she told us that she had been trying to reach Earth One her time after she returned home from there to find she no longer existed. Brainy's theory is-"

"She ended up here because at this moment in time there is still the potential for her to exist." Lena finished for her.

Kara nodded. "Exactly. But any changes to the timeline could erase her, so Alex ran some blood we cleaned off her when I brought her in for a DNA match. We wanted to make sure we knew everything we could about this. Limit the chances of the timeline changing."

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