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"We'll be arriving in a few minutes." Kara's voice rang through the ships intercom, drawing everyone back to the control room. Watching their approach, Lena was left gaping at the city floating through space.

"Who's meeting us?" Lara looked to her Mother, who ignored her instead focusing her attention on her younger self.

Sighing, Kara glanced at Lara as slowed the engines. "Kal, Lois... and my Mother." Not looking at Lena, the blonde could feel the murderous gaze focused on her downturned head.

Future Kara scratched her neck. "Jumping in at the deep end I see."

Kara started the landing sequence as they passed through the shields. "Since my Mother is the one to grant us access to Argo, also the machine; yes, she is meeting us." She turned the engines off as the ship touched down. "But you already knew that." Passing by herself, Kara still avoided Lena.

As expected, when the ship's doors opened the small group ready to greet them lost their smiles. Going straight for her Mother, Kara wrapped her arms around the woman as the rest slowly exited the ship.


"Kara?" Alura looked at the group gathered, utterly confused as to what her daughter had done now.

"Yes. I'm afraid this isn't entirely a social visit." Kal chuckled, Lois smirked and her Mother frowned. "These are our future selves and daughter, who think if we link an extrapolator to the DNA machine then they will be able to go home."

Alura looked from her daughter to the future version, "Um... okay. Should we do this sooner or later?"

"Sooner." The chorus came from the group at the same time.

"Okay. Follow me." Alura turned, Kal and Lois following watching everything in confusion even after their crossovers and everything they had seen.

The group received stares as they walked through the city to the Council building. It didn't take long to reach the building, everyone making way for Alura Zor-El. Everything was moving quickly and smoothly, especially when they found the area housing the DNA machine void of people.

"I will close the room off to everyone else until this is sorted. We don't need an audience for this." Alura moved to the wall panel, configuring the settings to prevent access until she allows. Future Lena walked over to the machine, pulling the back panel off.

Lena frowned and joined herself by the panel, "Can I help?"

Placing the panel on the floor, Future Lena got to work. "You could help me splice the wires in a minute? They need to be perfect and I don't trust the others."

"Hey!" Future Kara and Lara protested drawing a chuckle from both Lena's.

Kal stepped next to Kara as the Lena's got to work. "So to say I missed a lot is an understatement?"

Kara shuffled on her feet, smiling. "Yeah. Before you ask, I asked Diana to protect our cities whilst I'm here." She knew his history with Wonder Woman so knew he would approve, but waiting for his nod was agonising.

"Good, but I wasn't going to. I trust you. I know you wouldn't leave without Earth protected." Turning to face his cousin fully, Kal caught her gaze. "Now. You and Lena Luthor?"

Kara ducked her head, "Apparently. Not yet. I don't know." Biting her lip, Kara frowned.

Kal's response was cut off as the Lena's stood from the scanner. "Ready." The air turned thick as the tension increased, throwing everyone silent.

Looking around the room, Lara rolled her eyes. "So... who goes first?"

Stepping away from Kal, Kara looked at Lena. "I do." It had to be one of them, the least she coud do was not make Lena go first.

Future Lena nodded and guided her younger self a few steps back from the machine. "Okay then."

Reaching the machine, Kara took a breath, her hand hovering above the scanner. She had avoided this for so long, the fear of the answer almost had her leaving, consequences be dambed. Without letting herself think for much longer Kara closed her eyes and pushed forward with her hand, hitting the scanner dead centre.

Waiting for the machine to start up was tense, some knowing exactly what the machine would say.

Name: Kara Zor-El/Danvers
Species: Kryptonian
Lives on Earth
Occupation: Reporter/Superhero
Soulmate: Lena Kieran Luthor
Status: Alive
Location: Earth

Kara pulled her hand away from the machine, stepping back to see Lena staring at the screen. Everyone waited as Lena tore her gaze away from Kara's information and walked up to the scanner.

Hesitating with her hand inches from the scanner, Lena realised that doing this meant Kara was wrong. Neither of them had a choice when it came to this, the two of them. Wanting out of this room and time alone, Lena placed her hand on the scanner.

Name: Lena Kieran Luthor
Species: Human
Lives on Earth
Occupation: CEO of L-Corp and CatCo
Soulmate: Kara Zor-El/Danvers
Status: Alive
Location: Earth

Not hearing information they hadn't already known, Lena steps back quickly, avoiding looking at Kara as Future Kara stepped forward. This was where doing this became tricky, any changes to those sections and all of them would have a glance into their futures. Placing her hand on the scanner immediately they waited,

Name: Kara Zor-El/ Danvers-Luthor
Species: Kryptonian
Age: 73
Live on Earth
Occupation: CEO of CatCo/Superhero
Soulmate/Wife: Lena Kieran Zor-El/Danvers Luthor
Status: Alive
Lives on Earth

Hearing the new information Kara's jaw dropped and Lena frowned.

"You're fifty-three?"

"I'm CEO?"

Both spoke at the same time, Lena to Kara and Kara to her future self. Future Kara shrugged as she stepped away from the machine. "Yes I am and have you only just processed the age from earlier Lena?"

Lena shrugged, "I was distracted. Seriously though," She turned to Kara. "You're fifty-three? But you look twenty-five."

Kara sighed, "I was stuck in the Phantom Zone - a place where time doesn't pass - when I was thirteen for twenty-four years. So in theory I'm twenty-eight, but I will age slower than a human."

Lena nodded, realising as everyone looked between the two of them that now was not the time to geek out over this information. "Sorry." Satisfied neither of them were going to start talking again, Future Lena replaced Future Kara at the scanner. Looking at her Kara, Future Lena placed her hand on the scanner.

Name: Lena Kieran Zor-El/Danvers-Luthor
Species: Kryptonian (Previously Human)
Age: 46
Lives on Earth
Occupation: CEO of L-Corp
Soulmate/Wife: Kara Zor-El/Danvers-Luthor
Status: Alive
Lives on Earth

Stepping away from the machine, everyone as expected looked shocked to see she was Kryptonain even though she had been flying on Earth.

"How are you a Kryptonian?" Alura was looking between the group of five, not understanding how such a thing was possible.

"Spoilers?" Future Lena didn't want to answer that question, it would lead to too much potential changes to the timeline with Kal and Lois there. As everyone gathered themselves from the new information, the extrapolator sparked, forming a portal next to the machine.

"How sure are you that this will get us to our time?" Lara looked at her Mothers.

"Ninty-nine percent sure. Shall we?" Future Lena grabbed Future Kara's hand. "Lara?" She held her other hand out for her daughter, not trusting her not to follow or somehow get lost.

"It was nice to meet you." Kara smiled at the family, a family she could potentially have one day.

"See you soon?" Lena moved next to Kara, the two pairs opposite each other looked surreal to the others.

"Eventually, maybe." Smiling, Future Kara nodded a goodbye, guiding them to the portal.

Stepping through the portal, it was gone as quickly as it appeared, much like the trio that had walked towards it. Their absence left a silence in the room, no one knowing really what to say.

Alura unlocked the doors, opening them completely. "Now that the business is finished, who fancies dinner?"

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