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"You can come home."

Kara didn't know what to think, she had just got used to the idea that never going back was a possibility. Their lives were peaceful on Argo, no one had to worry that she wouldn't come home or that they were in danger. She didn't know what to do.

"Kara didn't you hear me? You can come home." Alex shifted Lara in her arms, looking at her like hesitating shouldn't have been a thing.

Lena noticed the look on her wife's face and stepped in before Alex could push her any further. "That's great news Alex. Could you look after Lara for a little while whilst I talk to Kara in the gardens?" Despite the smile Alex could tell it wasn't a question, they were going to the gardens no matter what.

"Yeah, sure." Nodding, she looked back to the little girl in her arms, hands reaching out oto grab her Aunt's hair.

Lena took Kara's hand and led her into the direction of the gardens. They walked in silence for a while, neither of them wanting to break the silence or broach the topic at hand. It wasn't until they had reached a small sitting space on one of the side paths that Lena pulled Kara to a stop and sat them both down.

"We can go back." The silence around them made her soft voice sound like a shout, almost echoing in the space around them. Kara nodded her head, still unable to speak as Lena spoke again. "Do you want to go back?"

Licking her lips, Kara looked at the ground. "I don't know." Blinking back tears, she looked at some roses by her feet. "Earth is home, no amount of time here could change that but life here is so much simpler."

Lena nodded. "It is... but it isn't the life we saw a year ago."

Kara shook her head. "So what? We've already changed the future so much, would it really matter if we stayed here or not?" She really didn't understand why this was a hard decision. Staying kept them safe and happy enough.

When Lena didn't answer her, Kara looked at the woman beside her, frowning at the guilty look on her face. "What?"

Biting her lip, Lena glanced at Kara. "There's something you need to see." Lena got up and reached out for Kara's hand and gently pulling her up and out of the gardens.

It took several minutes of confusion from Kara before Lena looked at her again as they reached their house. "What are we doing here Le?" The brunette pushed the door open, dropping Kara's hand as she walked through to the stairs. Following, Kara was more confused as Lena walked into their room and picked up the photo of the two of them from their last movie night before the craziness a year ago.

Pulling open the back of it, Lena pulled out a folded piece of paper, handing it to Kara after she put the photo back. "I found this after Lara left the second time. It was in the ensuite with instructions to read it on the twentieth."

Kara took the folded paper, still confused. "The twentieth... that was the day of my interview."

Lena nodded. "I know. I woke up not too long before your interview and read it before it started." Not sure what to say, Kara opened the paper to see Lena's familiar handwriting.


I know you won't understand yet, but we lied to you both. You never changed history we just have a daughter that is too curious for her own good. Don't be mad at her in the future but Lara lied the second time around, she rememebered. I guess she got that from us. Anyway, I asked her to leave this letter for you to open at the right time.

Life is about to get complicated but understand everything will be okay, Diana won't let anything happen to our girl but you can't stay. Alex will tell you the same, pack and leave so they can fix everything. History can't be changed for us and honestly, I wouldn't want to change it. Every moment on Argo was a gift, but National City needs Supergirl. Lara needs Supergirl.


Kara stood there reading the letter again and again. What was the point of lying if she was going to leave this behind? She knew what it meant, the letter, everything. They were going back. As that thought settled in her mind, Kara turned to her wife.

"I wish I was able to stay mad at you for keeping this, but you already knew I wouldn't be able to." Frowning at Lena, she folded the paper back up and put it next to the photo. "I guess we had better pack our bags."

Lena took Kara's hands. "Letter or not, we don't have to go if you don't want to."

Letting go of her hands, Kara pulled Lena into a hug. "You and I both know we'll end up home eventually so may as well make it now. Besides, I'm looking forward to teaching you how to control your powers." Laughing Lena snuggled into Kara's neck for a moment.

The blonde pulled back and started looking for where to start. "Come on. We had better start packing, and tell Alex and J'onn before my sister takes Lara back with them."

Lena laughed until she realised Kara wasn't laughting. "You're joking. You're sister wouldn't kidnap her neice to get you to come back..." Kara gave Lena a look and the smile dropped from her face. "I'll go find them."

The brunette was running down the stairs when Kara heard. "If you are messing with me I am going to kill you Kara Zor-El!"

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