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(Oh gosh I just want to kiss him 😔)

As Hyuna was dragged into the one classroom she hoped never to enter, her anxiety began to rise.

Scared that everyone was judging her as she followed Myunghee to a random empty seat at the back- clutching onto the strap of the girls bag strap.

Palms becoming clammy as she swallowed the lump in her throat.

"Hyuna, it's just detention, calm down a little." Myunghee whispered to her as she slumped into her seat, throwing her legs up onto the table and swinging on her chair like this was something she was used to.

Hyuna, looked around at the people's backs, nervous that they were going to start whispering about the "good girl" that got detention.

Slowly sitting down on the chair, she remained in an upright position as they awaited the teacher.

Not wasting anytime when said teacher walked into the room, she stood up and bowed automatically.

Myunghee only laughed at her friend and pulled down on her shirt sleeve to get her to sit down.

"They don't care Hyuna, detention isn't really that bad. Look around, no one is doing their work." Myunghee said trying to comfort the nervous girl.

As Hyuna looked around she realised Myunghee was right, everyone was either sleeping, on their phone or eating- except for this one person.

"W-why is Jaemin looking at me?" She asked Myunghee, who began looking around the room to find the boy.

He was in fact looking deep into her eyes, stare never faulting as Hyuna adverted her gaze.

"Who knows sweet drop, maybe he likes what he sees." She winked at her best friend, nudging her side and making the shy girl blush in embarrassment.

"Stop it Myunnie." She whined lightly to her friend who was still smirking at her. "Gosh you're so annoying." She rolled her eyes and looked back towards the boy, but he wasn't looking at her.


"That was horrible, I still don't understand why I got detention." Hyuna whined as the two walked out of the room and towards their lockers.

"It really wasn't that bad little miss goody-two-shoes." He friend booped her nose as she began to open up her locker.

Sighing, Hyuna grabbed her books and shut her locker, focusing on her friend as they began to walk.

"So, now that you have officially been to detention, I can finally mark that one off my 'Hyunas too do list before graduation' made by yours truely" Myunghee said, hands reaching into the sky as she announced to the empty hallways about her list.

"I don't understand why you have that list, it's stupid." Hyuna mumbled, biting the inside of her cheek in annoyance that her friend had even made such a list.

"My dear little sprout, you need to learn." She said patting the girls head, messing up her hair slightly. "Life is boring when you live by the books."

Hyuna huffed out as she began tidying her hair again, "but books keep you safe," she mumbled under her breath, unbeknown to the two that a figure was making their way towards them.

Hyuna looking up in the last possible second only to come in contact with the boy- tripping over her feet and loosing her balance.

Closing her eyes in preparation for the fall, she didn't expect a hand to snake around her back and stabilise her.

As she slowly opened her eyes, pupils adjusting to the light, she only now realised how close her and the boy were.

"Careful love." Jaemin said with a smirk, pulling her up gently until she was flat on her feet.

He brushed her shoulders lightly before looking back down at the girl.

"Wouldn't want you to fall." He winked at her and began to walk off, leaving the girl stunned, eyes wide and a blushing mess.

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