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Hyuna closed the gates behind her, the rain was still drizzling as odd droplet fell on top of her head, she had to take a second to herself before she turned around.

The sight in front of her made her heart drop. Her mother and father both standing in the doorway, a disappointed look on her fathers face was hiding the anger her mother was so easily showing.

Her arms crossed as her foot tapped against the floor impatiently. She took not even a second to push herself out of the door way and over to her daughter, grabbing onto her wrist tightly and dragging her into the house.

The house itself was warm, juxtaposing the cold expressions of her parents.

Hyuna had been dragged so hard that when they reached the lounge room and her mother let go of her wrist she went stumbling.

Gaining her stability quickly, she stood up straight, hands by her sides as her head hung low.

"Where were you? Why weren't you home straight after school?" Insook yelled, anger boiling inside of her as her once perfect collection started to crack.

Like porcelain put under pressure of use and time. One little push and shed shatter, but her mother wasn't the only one made out of porcelain in the family.

"I-I'm sorry mother, I did mention that Myunghee and I would stay a while after school to get a few extra hours of studying in, but we got hungry and decided to go out and eat." Hyuna started, head still tilted down to refrain from looking at her furious parents.

"We met up with some other friends, to which one was Jaemin, so I didn't think you'd mind because we know the family," Hyuna gained a little bit of confidence to look up, her father was rubbing the bridge of his nose and he stood tall behind your mother.

"You have disobeyed my orders Hyuna, what if others saw you running around outside at this time if night wet! What would happen then? Imagine what they'd think of me, of us!" Insook exclaimed as she huffed around.

Hyunas father didn't say anything as Insook continued to dig into her. Hyuna tried to reason with her, trying to explain that her phone ran flat and that she tried ringing off of Jaemins phone but it went straight to voicemail- but it was useless, it was like talking to a one sided mirror.

Hyuna didn't have a say, never really having a valid voice in the house she was forced to stay under.

There was a silence that lingered over the three of them, tears stinging at the girls dry eyes as she dared not to blink, scared that something would happen.

It never happened, her father would always stop Insook before she conflicted harm onto them, reminding her that a bruised and battered daughter wasn't good for their image.

Hyuna felt broken, the only thing she ever wanted was a loving family, one that supported each other and stuck up for each other. But that wasn't possible, at least not behind the curtains that concealed their feuds from the real world.

"Hunny, do something about your daughter! I can't stand to look at her right now," Insook said with a sigh, crossing her arms and turning to face away from her daughter, nose stuck up into the air in anger.

Hyuna looked up to her father, a tear slipping past her lashes and down her rosy cheeks, mouth parted slight and she whispered a please to her father.

But that never mattered to him, he only cared about making his wife happy. So when he made his way to in front of Hyuna she held her breath.

He grabbed her chin, it was harsh but it was also not gentle, he move her face to the side and wiped the tear off of her cheek.

"Don't cry, it makes you weak." He said before placing his hands into his pockets, stretching out his neck slight before looking back down at her once again.

"You are forbidden to leave this house other than going to school. You have disobeyed our rules and you shall be taught. You are grounded until I deem otherwise. You have lost our trust so you shall know. Now go to your room," his voice boomed monotonously around the room, asserting dominance as he looked down onto his blood line.

Hyunas mouth went dry, wind being taken from her and all she could do was blink.

Looking between her father and her mother who still had her back turned against her, she dropped her head once again. Nodding slight before whispering out a broken "yes father, I'm sorry father, I'm sorry mother. Please forgive me."

Hyuna looked up once more briefly, before turning around and walking up the stairs. Heart heavy and head light.

She fell onto her bed, tear stains forming fast on her sheets as she cried her heart out. Just as soon as she thought life was going well, it came crushing back down on her.

Message from Jaemin

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