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It had taken a little over half an hour to get to their destination, and when they arrived, Hyuna eyes basically sparkled.

Jaemin had parked the motorcycle and locked it so no one could steal it, while he was doing so, Hyuna was basically running towards the entrance- stopping for a second to turn around.

"Common Jaemin, hurry up!" She beamed, hands out in excitement as she looked past the gates that separated her from a place she had always dreamed about going to.

Jaemin chuckled and smiled to himself, walking up to the girl, hands in his jacket pockets as he watched her take in everything around her.

"You seem so excited," he said, leading her to the entrance, crowds of people around them bustling to get past the gates.

"It's an amusement park! Of course I'm excited." She was bouncing on her heels in excitement, waiting patiently as Jaemin paid for the tickets.

"Your girlfriend is very pretty," the cashier said making Hyunas attention go to her, ears turning a light shade of pink at her proposition.
"Yeah, she is," Jaemin responded making Hyuna look down and turn red.

The fact that he didn't deny it which made Hyunas mind go into a flurry. Maybe it was easier to just agree, but he sounded so sincere.

The sound of the cashier telling them to enjoy their time res parked her excitement.

Jaemin turned to the girl once they got in, reaching out to her as he said "here, let me help."

He carefully wrapped the band around her wrist, gently holding her arm in place as he did so. Hyuna looked up from her wrist to his face, examining it.

He was so concentrated and the close proximity made Hyunas stomach erupt into a thousand butterflies. He looked breathtaking normally, but up this close, he looked ethereal.

His long eyelashes would bat against the highs of his cheekbones with every blink, his lips a perfect shade of natural pink, and the smell of his cologne infiltrated her senses.

It was an abundance of emotions that made her cheeks turn pink once again and her heart palpitate at an unearthly speed.

She was so busy staring at the boy in a daze that she didn't realised he was staring right back at her, obviously finishing putting the wrist band on.

The two stood there, staring into each other's eyes as tension started growing in the air- but the sound of a kid screaming behind them was what brought Hyuna out of her daze.

Shaking a little in shock and stepping forwards into the arms of Jaemin subconsciously from fright. "Hey, I got you. It was just a kid."

Hyuna looked up to him, eyes wide before clearing her throat and taking a step back, "s-sorry... hey look, a ride!" She said abruptly and quickly hurrying away.

Jaemin watched her intently, a smile still prominent on his face as he followed after her.

He had stopped next to her, forearms draped over the metal fencing in a slouch as he look at the ride in front of them.

"Tea cups? You want to ride the tea cups?" He asked, looking over to her with a cocked eye brow.

Hyuna nodded her head quickly, pointing at the light blue tea cup making her eyes sparkle in excitement once again. Jaemin let our a small chuckle before lifting himself off of the bars and turning to her.

"If you want to ride the tea cups, we shall ride the tea cups."

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