» 18

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(🥺 I get lost in his eyes way too often 🥺)

Hyuna and Myunghee had decided to meet up at a small cafe, having the Sunday off before school starts back Monday and wanting to just talk.

The two sat across from each other, drinks in hand as they sat in silence, a comfortable one at that. Hyuna places down her cup, looking towards her best friend and clearing her throat.

"So... how was your date with Kyong? This has been what, the 3rd date?" She asked, watching as Myunghee basically choked on her drink, placing it down and coughing abruptly.

After composing herself and cleaning up the spilt coffee on her skirt, she looks up to Hyuna and smiles and nods.

"It was great. He took me on a picnic by the river. Then he may or may not have asked me out?" She said sheepishly.

Hyuna smiled widely, extremely happy for her best friend who now had a boyfriend.
"That's amazing, congratulations Myun. Just don't go forgetting about me while you run off on dates with your new boyfriend." Hyuna said, eye brows wiggling and she nudged the girl.

"Forget about you? Hyuna, I could never forget about you." Myunghee said rolling her eyes, watching as her best friend straightened her posture and flicked her hair.
"I know, I'm just too amazing."

"No, it's because you're a gosh damn pain in my ass who is stubborn."

Her words were harsh but her tone was sweet- sarcasm: something that always dripped from Myunghees mouth.

Hyunas mouth dropped in disbelief, obviously not picking up the sarcasm and pouting sadly.

Myunghee only laughed at the girl, "you are way too easy to tease Hyunnie," she said making the girl cross her arms over her chest and pout more.

"Aww, brighten up buttercup, I was just kidding. Hey, why don't we go for a walk?" She suggested, Hyuna only nodding in response as the two finished their drinks and made their way out into the crowded streets.

The sun beamed down on the two girls as they began to weave through the endless amounts of people.

"You know what I think about a lot." Hyuna said as the two walked side by side.

"Is this going to be another one of your weird realisations?" Myunghee asked, looking slightly down at her friend whose eyes sparkled under the heavy sun.

Hyuna didn't acknowledge the girl, only clasping her hands together at her chest and looking up into the endless blue sky, hidden behind the many buildings.

"That all these people around us have their own lives, that they know people we don't know, and they have felt things we probably have never felt." She began, Myunghee only rolling her eyes at the thoughts her friend verbalised.

"Don't you think that it's weird?" Hyuna finally looked towards the girl and asked, waiting to see her reaction- one that had never changed since all the other random outbursts she had.

"Yes Hyun, it is weird, but such is life." Myunghee said monotonously, looking down to her friend and letting out an airy chuckle.
"You amaze me Hyuna, how do you even think about these things when usually you think about academics?"

"Staying up late at night does that to you."

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