» 14

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Hyuna had never understood sports, never understanding the hype. So this lead her to be beyond confused as she watched the group of boys kick around a ball.

Cheering when Myunghee would cheer and booing when Myunghee would boo.

Throughout the duration of the game. Myunghee would lean over to her and whisper endless words about how hot Kyong was.

But Hyuna only had her eyes trained on Jaemin, watching as he effortlessly moved around people, deft footwork as he kicked around the ball.

It was enchanting, and her stare didn't go unnoticed by her best friend.

Her elbow poking into her side made her flinch. Eyes leaving the boy to look at her friend.

"Why are you starring at Jaemin." She sung out, eye brows wiggling suggestively and earning a slap on her arm from the girl.

"I wasn't starring at him, he just had the ball. Aren't you supposed to watch the player with the ball?" Hyuna spewed out, ears turing a light shade of red out of embarrassment.

"Awww is Hyuni embarrassed?" Myunghee cooed, pinching her red ears, only for Hyuna to move out of her grasp and covering them. "I am not, I am just-"

Hyuna let out a sigh of relief when the whistle blew, signalling half time, allowing the girl to forget about the excuse she was about to make up.

"You are one lucky duck Hyun, a whistle won't stop you forever. Kyong over here!" She said standing up and waving over the boy, who also turned around and waved for Jaemin to follow him.

Internally cursing at herself as the two boys made their way up the bleachers.

Myunghee handed the two their water bottles she somehow had and they thankfully took them.

Bringing the bottles up to their lips and allowing the cool liquid to hydrate them. Breaths heavy as sweat dropped down their foreheads, hair matted to their skin.

Kyong sat down next to Myunghee, a groan leaving his lips as he rested for a bit.

Jaemin stood in front of Hyuna, one leg propped up as he finished of his water and wiped his sweat away from his eyes.

Her gaze never left him as he tried to regain his breath, only now looking down at the girl and sitting next to her.

"So, I uh didn't know you played soccer." Hyuna said, trying to escape the awkward silence that washed over the two.

"Yeah, I do." Jaemin simply stated, earning a quick glance from the girl. "Wonder why I never knew."

Jaemin just shrugged, "never came up in conversation."

"I guess." Hyuna looked over at her best friend. Watching as she laughed along to every joke Kyong told her, she adorned a smile Hyuna hadn't seen her wear for quite a long time.

"They should date." Jaemin said out of no where, earning a nod from the girl and a hum in response.

"They should... have you ever had a girl friend before." Hyuna burst out of nowhere, hand slapping over her mouth at the personal question she had just asked, eyes wide as she looked up at the boy.

"I am so sorry." She began pleading her apology, only for Jaemin to laugh at her, making her groan in humiliation.

She didn't know if she wanted to hear his answer, already assuming he had had numerous girlfriends before, considering all the rumours spread about him.

But another part of her wanted to hear the answer from his mouth, an answer that never came, for the whistle of the coach signalled the boys to head back into practise.

Jaemin stood up, handing the water bottle over to Hyuna. His signature smile plastered on his face as he watched the embarrassed girl.

Before following Kyong back down to the field, he winked at the girl. "I'll get back to you on that one, love."

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