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It was currently lunch time and Hyuna and Myunghee were waiting in line to get their food.

"It sucks that I couldn't be your partner for the assignment." Hyuna sighed, stepping down the line as it slowly moved forward.

"Yeah it sucks. But hey, you got Jaemin, that sounds fun." She completely discarding the sullen tone of voice Hyuna had towards not being partners and instead focusing on her new partner instead.

"Yeah, I know."

"Why do you seem upset? Don't you like him?" Myunghee asked as they finally reached the front of the line.

"It's not that, it's just, I feel like he won't be much help and I'll have to do everything. Like always." She began, picking out the food she wanted to eat and the two started to make their way towards a spare table.

"Come on Hyunie, it won't be that bad. Who knows, maybe it'll be fun." She winked at her best friend with a short lived laugh following after.

"I doubt it."


"Hey mu-"

Hyuna hadn't even gotten through the door when her mother cut her off abruptly from the kitchen.

"Hyuna, you're home, great! I'm going out for a few hours to grab some stuff, some of your fathers friends are coming over for dinner so I need the whole house spotless."

"Oh, okay." Hyuna said pursing her lips as her once happy mood dropped instantaneously.

"Also, once you've done cleaning, make sure to do your homework and then help your younger brother as well." She continued on as she was now in front of the girl.

Placing her hand on her daughters cheek tenderly, before slapping lightly in a semi affectionate way "you'll be a good girl. Right?"

Her mother's eyes never held love for her or her brother. She was so caught up in the perfect wife, perfect life mindset to ever actually care for her children.

Instead, making sure her husbands parents adored her as well as his friends.

She was a stay at home mother who never even care for her progeny- she always spent her time out at brunches, the country club, or off at her husbands office as he worked long hours.

It was as if she liked the aesthetic of having children rather than the reality of it.

"I always will be." Hyuna spoke lowly, giving off a fake smile and began begrudgingly trudging her way up the stairs.

"That's my good girl," her mother said with a plastered grin on her face before turning around.
"I'll see you when I get home."

The sound of the door shutting followed promptly and Hyuna let out a sigh, shoulders slumping as she continued her way slowly up the stairs with her bag heavy on her shoulder.

The perfect family, she thought. What even was a perfect family.

To her mum and dad, it was the picture perfect image they had engrained into their children and their minds, but for Hyuna, such was a mystery.

Changing out of her uniform into a pair of sweats and a simple crop top, she made her way to her brothers room.

He was 5, the sweetest thing- to Hyuna that is. Hyuna basically raised the kid.

As soon as she walked into his room, a smile fell onto her face as she saw her younger brothers eyes sparkle as they met hers.

"Hyunie!" He exclaimed in joy. Waddling over to the girl and wrapping his little arms around her legs- the biggest smile on his face as he looked up to the girl and flashed his little eye smiles.

Hyuna bent down and scooped the boy up into her arms. Holding him on her hip as he hugged her closely.

"Hello Tae." Her voice sweet and sincere as she hugged her younger brother back.


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