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"And so you,"

"Backed out?"

The group of boys looked down at Jaemin, he was sat lazily on the old couch in front of them, red and green LED lights lighting up fragments of the room around them.

Jaemin sighed, leaning forward and gripping at his hair, head facing down towards the ground as a flurry of emotions flowed through him.

"Well you're a bit of a pussy." One boy chuckled out before getting whacked over the head by another.
"Do you ever shut up Hyuck?"

"I should ask you the same thing Renjun." Donghyuck quipped back making Renjun lift his hand up in another attempt to slap him, only to be stopped by someone else.

"You two need to calm down, and Hyuck, you aren't helping. Look Jae, why not explain to us why you backed out? Do you like her? Or was it just in the moment?"

The couch had dipped down on Jaemins side indicating that the boy had sat down.

"I- uh, don't know. I think I like her," he began, looking up at his best friend before looking down at his hands. "I never thought I'd get a crush- gosh that sounds so stupid, but it's like the little things, you know?

Like how she looks at her brother lovingly and protectively, or the fact that I want to show her everything she's missed out on."

He paused for a second, thinking about everything they did tonight. How the sun illuminated her perfectly- complimenting how pretty she was- or how despite her being scared of doing most things, she let go.

She let go of everything she was worried about for one afternoon, shining her real colours as the two laid upon the school's rooftop. The sunset setting a perfect scene of serenity and peace. Barriers breaking down slowly each time they hung out.

"But I don't want the rumours to get worse than what they already are." He knew he could be open to the boys, they shared everything together, the six of them.

There used to be 7, but the eldest, Mark, had to head of to university and they rarely got to see each other.

"They really suck, the rumours that is, I heard more about me today too." The youngest, Jisung said. Sitting down on the couch arm and placing a hand on his hyungs shoulder.

"I wish they would stop for you Hyung, it hurts me more than the rumours about me." He admitted.

"Jaemin, bud listen. You can't get these rumours get to you, you're badass, fucking natural flirt, who shouldn't take shit from no one! And just because some crazy bitch broke your heart and made all these things up about you doesn't change who you really are." Donghyuck said, annoyed that his friends rumours were getting to him.

Being the most popular boys at school would always have consequences. You can't have one without the other, the whispers, the fan girls, the rumours. It only brought the six of them closer.

"Yeah, fuck that Hyung! You should go after her!!" Chenle exclaimed, fist balled in determination. The others looked at him, shocked that he swore.

"Yeah fuck that hyung!" Jisung now joined in, the older boys whipping their heads around and looking at him in shock.

"I think my life just flashed before my eyes." Renjun said, placing his hands on his cheeks as he blinked rapidly in shock.

"Okay, but why was Jisung swearing kinda cute..." Donghyuck said, confuse at how a swear word could sound sweet.

Jeno sighed, looking back down at Jaemin as he shook his head at the youngers antics.

"Jaemin, if you really like this girl, or if you're still confused, take her to more places she's never been to before- and if you make up your mind, then finally kiss her. These rumours shouldn't stop you if you like her."Jeno spoke out, trying to change the tone of the conversation.

Jaemin looked at Jeno as he thought, debating with himself with what he should do.

"Who knows, maybe the rumours will stop if you date her."

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