» 17

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"Tae, do you ever think about what would happen if the two of us ran away?" Hyuna asked the five year old as she laid sprawled out on his bedroom floor.

The sounds of clicks and aggressive clanks coming from the boy as he smashed his two toy dinosaurs together as if they were fighting.

"Hmm, nope. I thwink about what Jaemin Hyung said abowt the sky. I told Mal-Chin too, and he didn't know either." Tae babbled on, making littles sounds as if he were the toys he was playing with.

Hyuna had once again been left to baby sit Tae, not that she didn't mind, she had the house to herself and her brother was all sorts of fun- until he did something bad and Hyuna got the blame for it.

"I also thwink about macawoni, can I have some?" He begs, putting down his toys and crawling over to the girl. Hyuna only laughed, watching as Tae tried to puppy eye his way into getting macaroni.

"You've already had dinner Tae, if anything it's bed time." She said finally sitting up, grabbing hold of the five year old and smothering his face with kisses: giggles escaping his lips as he squirmed around in her lap.

"Stop it, Stop it." He said through forced laughter, calming down almost instantly when Hyuna had stopped her flurry attack of kisses.

"Next time I'll make you macaroni, okay?" She asked, earning an excited nod from the boy.
"Okay, it's time for bed, common."

Tae stood up and rushed to his bed, jumping under the covers and pulling them up to his chin. Hyuna had grabbed his favourite green dinosaur plushy and handed it to the boy, adjusting his blankets so he was snuggled in tight.

The warmth and comfort of the blanket allowing the innocent child to sleep and dream peaceful dreams- ones Hyuna could only hope to dream.

Turning on his night light and bedtime lullabies, she placed a kiss to his forehead, moving his loose hairs out of his face in the process.

"Night Hyunie." He spoke quietly, tiredness coating his voice as he yawned.

"Goodnight Tae." The girl said soothingly, backing out of his room and closing the door quietly.

Hyuna grabbed a quick snack from the kitchen and made her way to her room. Sitting down on her bed and pulling out her phone.

Hey Jaemin, it's me Hyuna.
I know we had only just met up the other day, but wanna meet up again for the assignment. How about tomorrow?

Hyuna typed away at her phone, sitting back and awaiting his text which felt like forever. The ding of her phone drew her attention to it straight away.

Reading it quickly but being dissatisfied at the response.

I'm busy.

Oh, yeah sure.
That's all good, maybe another time.

Sighing, she closes her phone and throws it across her bed, grabbing a book and pulling it open.

Her process of reading didn't last long, finding that she was re-reading the same sentence over and over again, so she decides to close it and go to bed.

Im sorry. Life's just a little hard right now
I'm sorry. Life's just a little ha|
I'm sorry. Life's jus|
I'm sorry. Li|
I'm sorry|
I'm so|

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