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(I'm so head over heels for this boy omg)

The two of them just watched Jeno as he hurried to give the two of them their mugs before sitting on a seperate arm chair and sipping at his own drink.

It wasn't until Hyuna started drinking from her drink and wasn't paying attention when Jeno gave Jaemin a thumbs up and a big proud smile, to which Jaemin replied with his middle finger and a small smile too, sipping at his own drink nonchalantly as he did so.

"Thank you again for the hot chocolate, Jeno," Hyuna said with a sweet smile as she held her mug with both hands to warm them up.

"Oh it's alright, I felt like it was much needed. Perfect weather for it" he said placing his mug down on the table next to him, and as if it were on cue, the rain began pelting down faster.

"Oh I forgot to ask, you got a haircut right?" Jeno asked and pointing slightly to her hair.

Hyuna nodded as a wide grin grew on her face and a small chuckle vibrates through her chest, "mhm, do you like it? I cut it before Jaemin came to pick me up."

"Yeah I do like it, it suits you," Jeno said before looking over to Jaemin, "do you like it?"

Jaemin only laughed "she could be bald and I'd still think she was beautiful."

A blush crept onto Hyunas cheeks as she adverted her gaze from the two of them, audible gagging sounds came from Jeno which made Hyuna laugh at him.

"That was cringe," he said directed to Jaemin.

"Well what else did you expect me to say," Jaemin started laughing along now too before it started to quiet down.

The three of them sat in silence, it was comfortable and Hyuna felt as if she could get used to this- but their silence ran thin when Tae sleepily trudged into the room, even more tired than before as a yawn escaped his mouth.

Hyuna placed down her mug and reached out for him, to which he allowed her to lift him up and lay him against her chest.

Jenos mother walked in, leaning against the frame as she watched the children in front of her.

"You've had a big night haven't you bud," Hyuna whispered to him and he let out a small hum and another yawn. Hyuna looked up to Chanmi, eyes drooping slightly as tiredness started to wash over her too.

"I am sorry for intruding so unexpectedly, I hope it'll be okay for us to stay the night, we can take the couch," Hyuna said, apologising for her lack of manners upon entering the house unannounced.

"Oh hunny you don't have to apologise, and I'd be dammed if you think you two will be sleeping on the couch, that's nonsense. Jeno has a spare mattress under his bed if Tae wanted to sleep in his room. Jeno could take the mattress and Tae can have the bed, or if you want you can sleep in my bed," Chanmi said, cooing her way over to the boy and waiting for an answer.

He looks between Jeno and Chanmi, before weakly bringing his hand up and pointing to Jenos mother.

A disappointing sigh left Jenos lips as he watched his mother pick the boy back up out of Hyunas arms and placed him on her hip.

"Considering you two are dating, I'm sure you'd be okay in sharing a bed," Chanmi said, rubbing up and down Taes back soothingly. Hyunas eyes widened as her heart started to race.

She looked at Jaemin as heat started to raise to her cheeks, the same heat burning up Jaemins ears as he too looked at her.

They stare at each other before looking back nervously and stuttering out a "yeah."

Great, Just no funny business you two," Chanmi said with a smirk and a wink, instant red flushed Hyunas cheeks as she became embarrassed.

"I- uh" Hyuna stumbles out, unable to form a coherent sentence.

The two looked at each other; Hyunas eyes still wide as Jaemins hand comes up to rub at the nape of his neck nervously.

The two cleared their throats when all of a sudden Chanmi's smirk turn into a grin and laughter replaced the awkward tension that the couple had found themselves in.

Jeno joined in as he enjoyed the view of his friends nervous, jittery state. Their faces red as they say subconscious pick at their nails or a loose thread on their outfit- trying to escape the embarrassment of what his mother had just applied to them.

Chanmis laughter died down a little as she wiped a tear away from her eye. "You should've seen your faces, priceless!" She said, a long sigh leaving her as she places her free hand on her chest.

"That was a Good laugh, thanks you two. Anyway, I'm gonna put this little one to bed. Don't be too late, it's still a school night after all." She said, walking up to Jeno and placing a kiss to his head before walking up to Jaemin and reciprocating the kiss.

Hyuna felt sad, she had never received a kiss on the head from her parents, she never got any affection from them as a matter of fact- so when Chanmi stood in front of her, she looked from her to the boys and back up to her, not expecting what'd come next.

Chanmi leant down, placing a small kiss to the girls head before stocking her hair and tucking the loose strands behind her ear.

Her eyes were wide, watching as Chanmi smiled lovingly at her, "goodnight darlin."

Hyuna wanted to cry- her eyes started to sting as she whispered out a thank you as a small smile fell to her lips. She felt warm and tingly and filled with the love of a parental figure- it was foreign, and despite it not being her own mother, she loved it.

Hyuna cleared her voice in an attempt to hide her raising emotions as she grabbed hold of one of Taes hands and stroking her thumb over his knuckles soothingly.

"Goodnight Tae, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Night Hyunie." Tae whispered out before leaning his head back onto Chanmis shoulder.

"Good Night you three," she said once again, the three of them wishing her a goodnight before she retreated up the stairs.

"I think it's about time we go to bed too, it's getting late."

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