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The cold was still prevalent in the air as Hyuna and Tae made their way onto the street and Hyuna brought Tae closer to her to keep him warm.

His eyes we droopy as tiredness consumed his body, his fingers lightly holding onto Hyunas hoodie as he nuzzled himself closer to her body.

Hyuna looked down to Tae, stroking a few of his stray hairs down before looking up to meet the eyes of Jaemin. She flashing him a small smile before nudging Tae awake again.

"I'm sorry Tae, but we gotta put your helmet on," she whispered to him before looking back up to Jaemin and nodding towards her helmet, "he can take mine."

Jaemin hisses at the thought and shakes his head, "nonsense, he can have mine- hey bud, sorry for waking you up again but can you lift your head up for us please," he cooed out, bringing his helmet over to the two of them.

Tae nodded slightly before lifting his head, not really registering what was happing to him as the large helmet was placed on his head, straps being done up tight but still moving around quite a lot.

Jaemin shook the helmet a little which made a sleepy giggle emit from the boys mouth. Jaemin just smiled down at him before looking back up at Hyuna.

"Did you're parents do anything?" He asked, grabbing her helmet and placing it on her head too and clipping the straps together.

"They mentioned something about a boarding school, but it'd be for Tae and I heard them say something else but it was too muffled to comprehend," she sighed and Jaemin wrapped his arms around her, being mindful of the sleeping boy on her hip.

His head once again resting on top of hers as he looked back at the house. "I promise I won't let them hurt you."

Hyuna pulled away, looking up at him and half smiling. It was sincere and she knew he truely meant it and that send shocks of warm waves through her body.

"Common, I think it's about time we leave this place before they realise we kidnapped Tae," he said with a slight chuckle, to which Hyuna laughed along with and found her spot on the bike- situating Tae between her and Jaemin.

"Maybe let's refrain from saying kidnapped," she said as she wrapped her arms around Jaemins front, holding on but making sure not to squish the still sleeping boy.

"How is he back there?"

"Still knocked out, just don't drive too recklessly please."

"Me? Reckless? Never." Jaemin said teasingly and starting up the engine. Hyuna could basically feel the smirk radiate off of his back.


The two arrived at their destination, pulling up outside of another family home. Hyuna had never been to Jaemins place before and at first look, it seemed homely.

"Okay, so before you say anything, I gotta explain something," Jaemin said as the to got off the bike and made their way to the front door.

Her eye brows furrowed in confusion as she let out a small "okay." But what confused her most was not the fact that Jaemin knocked on his own door, but the fact that Jeno opened it.

"Hi," he said rubbing at the nape of his neck and flushing his signature eye smiles.

Hyuna stood there holding a sleeping Tae on her hip as she looked up at the boy standing in the door way and back to Jaemin.

Her mouth opened and shut, trying to accumulate a sentence but before she could a middle age woman made her way to the door.

"Common Jeno, let them in it's freezing out there," she said pushing him aside gently and urging the three of them in.

She immediately grabbed held of Jaemins shoulders, looking him up and down with a worried expression on her face.

"Are you okay, I was worried sick when you didn't come home with Jeno before the storm hit, and then you randomly call in the middle of the night saying you need two beds set up. Goodness me boy you scared me," she said bringing the boy into a hug and pulling away to look at the girl who stood just behind Jaemin.

"I'm fine, I didn't get hurt and I'm sorry about the call but it was urgent. I'd like to introduce you to my girlfriend, Hyuna this is Jenos mum Chanmi, Chanmi this is Hyuna." Jaemin said giving off his little introduction and wrapping a hand around the girls waist, pulling her in closer.

Chanmi looked lovingly at the girl, hands coming up to her face as she examined her. "You're such a pretty little thing aren't you," she said endearingly, bringing a small blush to Hyunas cheeks, only for Chanmi to get completely side tracked by the five year old boy who was finally waking up.

"And who is this little cutie," she cooed out and leaning in to pinch his swollen cheeks, only for Tae to back away and hide into Hyunas shoulder.

"Oh I'm sorry little one, that wasn't nice of me to wake you up like that. Would you like it if I make you up a nice mug of warm milk?" Chanmi bribed.

Tae suddenly became untreated, looking up for confirmation from his big sister who hesitantly said yes.

She handed Tae over to Chanmi who then disappeared into the depths of the house, leaving the three friends standing there in silence.

Hyuna shook her head, looking up at Jeno to Jaemin before finally asking the first question that was burning at the back of her mind.

"Wait- why are we at Jenos? And why did you call his mum?"

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