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Jaemin had followed Hyuna around the park, doing every ride she had wanted and enjoying every second. But there was one ride that Jaemin really wanted to go on- the biggest roller coaster at the park.

The two were stood in front of it, watching as various strangers were twisted and turned on the ride, screams filling the air out of excitement or fright.

His eyes were pretty much sparkling, excitement boiling inside of him as he watched the cart fly past him, head whipping in the direction of the cart.

He turned to Hyuna, momentarily forgetting that he was still holding onto her hand as he could only focus on the ride in front of him, and so could she.

Her stomach churned at the sight of the ride, dread and fright filling her to the brim as she watched the same cart fly past. Teeth gritted in fear of the ride.

"Can we ride this one?" Jaemin ask, eyes and smile wide in anticipation.

Hyuna looked up at him, eyes holding how scared she was tightly. She wanted to go on for his sake, he had gone on ever ride she wanted to go on without complaining, and when she asked him why he wasn't complaining, he only responded with that he wanted to please her.

So she felt bad, she really wanted to go on, but her stomach already felt as if it had gone on it, despite her just watching it.

As she looked up into his comforting eyes, she gulped. This didn't go unnoticed by Jaemin as he took her other hand in his, squeezing lightly in reassurance.

"Hey, it's okay, we don't have to go on if you don't want to." His said, allowing the option to float in the air, careful consideration being underway.

Hyuna had felt a little guilty that he didn't get to do something he had really wanted to do, and she didn't want to ruin this for him. So would it really be all that bad?

"N-no it's okay, I, uh wanna go on," she said with both a shaky breath and hands, squeezing his hands back lightly in answer.

Her response made Jaemins smile shine a little brighter, "love, if it gets too much before hand we can back out. I'll keep you safe, do you trust me?"

He reached out his hand, tucking a stray piece of her hair behind her ear before offering it out, awaiting her answer.

Hyuna was sweating from nerves, but she wanted to do this for him. So reluctantly, she placed her hand in his once again allowing for Jaemin to intertwine their fingers and head off to the entrance of the ride.

It was scary, luckily Jaemin kept reassuring her every time they took a step closer and before they knew it, it was their turn.

They had been given the front seats- of course- and while everyone around her was buzzing with excitement, she felt as if her soul would be sucked out of her any second.

She looked over to Jaemin, he was pulling the barrier down in front of him, smiling as everything started to kick in.

He looked over to Hyuna once more, giving her an encourage grin and holding his hand out once more. One to which she gratefully took hold of, preparing herself as the instructor began to speak over the speaker.



I have one more thing planned for the amusement Park ;)

Sorry it's taking so long :(

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