» 16

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(Gosh he's so gorgeous 😍 have you guys figured out yet that I love Jaemin? I honestly don't think it's been that noticeable...)

Hyuna had lead Jaemin to an empty science classroom, one she had checked with the teacher previously to deem okay to use.

"So I thought we could investigate the Kinetics of the Iodine Clock Reaction." She started, grabbing a lab coat, gloves and glasses and putting them on, Jaemin doing the same.

"It's basically where we have to determine-"

"How the concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide affects the rage of the Iodine Clock reaction and calculate the reaction order." Jaemin stated as if it were simple math.

"O-oh okay. Should we get started then." Hyuna said, take aback slightly at the boys knowledge.

"Sure, I guess we should start on book work." He said nonchalantly, sitting down at one of the desks and pulling out his books- Hyuna doing the same.

"So the first equation is H2O2 + 3I- + 2H+ -> I3- + 2H20, this equation states that hydrogen peroxide reacts with iodine ions in acid solution to form triiodide and water." She explained, the two writing down all the information they needed. Making a hypothesis and that they have everything for when they start their experiment.


"It's getting late, we should head home." Jaemin said looking at the clock, Hyuna doing the same, panic spreading through her body as she read 5:02 on the clock.

"Oh no, mums gonna kill me." She said with dread, knowing fair well her mother would've needed her home to take care of Tae about an hour ago.

Throwing her papers into her bag she hurried out of the room, needing to get home as quickly as possible.

Jaemin followed right behind her, making it out side and just to their luck, it starts to rain- taking coverage under the veranda of the building, watching as the rain pleated down.

"Of course this happens to me." Hyuna huffs, waiting for a moment when the rain dies down a little so she could sprint home.

"I could always give you a ride." Jaemin spoke up, earning the girls attention. The boy only nodding his head towards his vehicle, making Hyunas mouth drop when she saw what he was referring to.

"A motorbike?" She said staring at the slick black bike alone in the car park. She could feel Jaemins smirk from above her. "There is no way I'm getting on that."

"You said your mother would kill you, common It's safe." Jaemin said, walking backwards into the rain but keeping eye contact with her, eye brow raised.

The girl contemplated it, it would indeed get her home safely, but there it was, that feeling that would appear every time something new approached her.

A feeling in her stomach that always made her want to vomit out of nervousness. Anxiety swooping down on her as she thinks about every possible thing that could go bad on that motorbike.

This was so like Hyuna, this was one of the main reasons she stayed inside and only did her homework, it was safe, it wasn't change. She hated change.

She hated anything new she hadn't done before, sticking to what she knows best was her specialty, too scared to try anything new.

"I-I can't." She spat out, turning around and practically bolting into the wet streets, disappearing from Jaemins view.


I have a few things to say:


2. I have a headache from doing this chapter. I honestly should've chosen another subject instead of chemistry 😂

3. I got the new animal crossing yesterday and it's hella cute.


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