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(Why does he have to be such boyfriend material 😔)

"The dinner was lovely Mr and Mrs Kang, thank you" Jaemin said, showing respect to the hosts of tonight's dinner.

He delicately took hold of the napkin, dabbing at the sides of his mouth before placing it onto the table, showing the upmost respect and manners that his father and mother taught him.

"Oh thank you dear, it was really nothing, I spend most of my time in the kitchen anyway." Insook said, smile always on show as if the movie never ended.

Jaemins mother and her giggled together at the thought, while Mr Na and Hyunas father talked business.

The conversation obviously getting more private as they excused themselves from the table and made their way to Hyunas father office- him proceeding to close the doors behind him.

"So, Hyuna. How's school?" Mrs Na asked, she was beautiful, eyes holding the same kindness Jaemins held when he looked at Tae, that purity and innocence.

Hyuna felt sad the she didn't get to see that side of Jaemin more often, the purity that had been covered up with lust.

"It's going well, thank you for asking." Hyuna responded, replicating the smile her mother had told her to use.

"That's good dear. I heard you are an A plus student."

Hyunas palms started to sweat, not wanting to slip up in-front of her mother and ruining the image she had worked so hard to maintain.

"Yeah, I guess i am." Hyuna let out an awkward chuckle, clearing her voice after which only made her feel more awkward.

"What's your favourite subject?" She asked once more, but she never got to answer, instead Insook butted in.

"Enough talking about Hyuna, let's talk about Jaemin." Insook said, looking up to the boy across the table and sending him a gentle smile- But Jaemin was looking at Hyuna instead.

Her head was down and her fist clenched in her lap, breath slowed down as her eyes burnt holes into her hands.

She was upset, upset that her parents didn't find pride in what she did no matter how hard she tried.

Hyuna never cared about good grades as a child, only getting straight A's and studying because she wanted to make her parents proud  

But all that changed. She had gotten into the habit of staying up late and spending so much time and energy on studying that she knew no different- and in the process, she lost all hopes of a social life out side of Myunghee.

Ultimately loosing her teenage years to the confinements of her bedroom and locked in a prison behind the bars of her house and school.

Her mother was stubborn that's for sure, and no matter how much she tried, she was never enough for her or her father.

The sound of her heart beating blocked out the conversation the two mothers were having. Mrs Na boasting about Jaemin, and Insook boasting about Jaemin too.

The feeling becoming unbearable, wanting to yell and scream for her mother to notice her, but it was no use, she wouldn't care, and instead- like always- she'd play the victim.

The sound of Hyuna abruptly standing up made everyone look at her. Her head down and hands on the table, head spinning as she wanted to cry.

It's not like her mother would come comfort her anyway, she was soulless behind the mask she wore, only showing enough affection for her husband and her expensive jewellery.

"The dinner was lovely, thank you." Hyuna said before picking up Tae from beside her and walking away.

"Hyuna where are you going? Dinner isn't over." Insook said bittersweet, eyes dark but smile wide, forcing out a calm tone through her annoyance.

"I'll go check on her." Jaemin said, earning a nod from his mother.

Jaemin stood up, bowing slightly in an apology before following the girl up the stairs.

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