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Jaemin guided Hyuna down the hallway and into another room- it had a queen sized bed in the middle and was neat and tidy, a colour scheme of greys and blues filtrated and decorated the room.

"So, welcome to my humble abode," Jaemin said standing in front of Hyuna with arms out, chuckling and running a hand through his hair before he moved away to his wardrobe.

Hyuna decided to look around, looking at the small intricate details in decorations and accessories that lined the room, looking at the pictures that hung on the wall and a mirror to finish of the look- it was homely and comforting and it contradicted Hyunas bedroom at her own house.

"It's nice, I like it," She said as she looked at Jaemin, watching him pull out clothes from his drawers before turning around and holding the bundle of items out to her.

"Have these to wear, your clothes are still wet and I don't want you to get a cold," he said placing the clothes into her hand and watching as she shifted on her feet and managed out a thank you.

"If you wanted to freshen up, the uh bathroom is just the first door on your left," Jaemin began rubbing his nape, watching as Hyuna nodded and began walking out of the room.

She found the bathroom in no time and quickly slide off her damp clothes, the warm water sent waves of bliss through her body as sleep started tacking over her senses once more.

She slipped into a pair of shorts Jaemin had provided as well as a jumper of his and she began walking back to his room, too tired to worry about looking presentable to an extent.

Jaemin looked up from his phone when he heard her walk through the door and it felt as if his heart skipped a beat.

Hyuna had always looked gorgeous, but there was something about seeing her in his own clothes, all oversized and hanging off her loosely as she tiredly rubbed her eye with her sweater paw, that made his heart palpitate.

She silently walked over to the other side of the bed, dropping down onto it before turning to Jaemin and flashing a weak smile.

"Thank you for letting me use your clothes, they are very warm." Hyuna said as she brought the fabric closer to her body, inhaling Jaemins musky cologne had made her heart beat soften more as her eyes began to sting and become heavy under the weight of her trying to stay awake.

Jaemin only smiled, turning off his phone and placing it on the nightstand before pulling the covers over both of them and bringing Hyuna closer to him.

Her state of mind had become a haze as exhaustion starting taking over her brain and she snuggled in closer to Jaemins chest.

Jaemin looked down to the girl, smiling and gently brushing away the hair that fell on her face. He looked down at her before placing a small kiss on the top of her head and whispering "goodnight, love. I hope you dream the happiest of dreams."

She let out a small hum and smile at the sweet words he had said to her as she lazily looked up to him. "Goodnight Jaem," she reached up and placed a small kiss on his cheek before she began snuggling back in closer to his chest.

Jaemin bent over and turned off the light, darkness filled the room as he wrapped an arm around Hyuna and began rubbing small circles on her back. Jaemin closed his eyes, wanting to bask in the feeling of having Hyuna wrapped safely in her arms.

They ended up falling asleep in each others embrace. Steady hearts beating in time as calmness and peace washed over then.

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