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(They're so cute 🥺)

The cold surrounded Hyuna as she walked down the quiet street, odd street lamps allowing just enough light for her to see.

The crisp breeze blew around her, making goosebump rise on her chilled skin. She pulled her hoodie over her head to keep the warmth in as she held the fabric closer to her body.

It wasn't long until she heard the roar of Jaemins motorbike, the headlights filling the streets brightly as he slowed down next to her.

"Hyuna? Are you okay?" He said panicked as he quickly got off of the motorbike, discarding of his helmet as he quickly pulled the girl into a tight embrace.

He laid his head on top of hers as his hands run up and down her back soothingly to warm her body up. She felt safe and secure in the arms of his warm figure, he held her delicately but also firmly, like he never wanted to let her go. Hyuna just stood there, arms around him as tears began to prick at the edges of her eyes.

Jaemin suddenly pulled away slightly as he felt her body tense up trying to hide her sadness. He looked down at the girl whose glassy eyes looked back into his. His hands once again came up to her cheeks, the pads of his thumbs wiping away the stray tear that escaped her eye.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" He asked concerned, eye brows furrowed as he watched the girl look down and shake her head.

"No, I'm alright," she said with a small sniffle, "I'm just happy to see you."

A small smile crept upon Jaemins face as he leant down and kissed the top of her head. His lips lingered on her skin before he pulled away.

His thumb pushing her chin up slightly so his eyes connected with hers before he once again leant in. Soft lips pressing together in a soft kiss automatically filled her body with love and contentment. Jaemin has never once failed to make her feel warm and safe.

"Wait! Oh my gosh no," Hyuna said abruptly pulling away from Jaemin as her hands flew up to cover her mouth.

"What, was my kiss that bad?" Jaemin said cocking one of his eyebrows confused but with a hint of sarcasm.

"No no, shut up it was great," she said waving him off before looking back at her house.

"I forgot to get Tae, I don't want him staying in the house. Who knows what they will do while I'm not there," Hyuna said with panic raising in her voice, her pit feeling rising again as her palms become clammy.

"I can't believe I forgot my brother, Jaemin I have to go back to get him," she said as she grips hold of her hair, the hood coming down in the process.

"Hyuna, what happened to your hair?" Jaemin said in shock as he removed the girls hands that gripped onto her hair and pulling them away to get a better look.

Hyuna let out a little "huh" in confusion before remembering the events from before, "oh right, I cut it. Do you not like it?" She asked weary.

"No no I love it, I think it suits you," he said with a gentle finger coming up to tuck a few stray pieces behind her ear, "I love it."

Jaemins voice was sincere which made Hyuna smile back at him. The moment quickly ended as Hyuna looked back to her house.

"If you wait out front with the motorbike, I can quickly race in and get him without my parents seeing. They should be in the kitchen talking and Tae will still be upstairs." Hyuna said looking back at Jaemin who nodded his head in conformation.

"You make sure you be safe, I don't want you getting hurt," he said grabbing hold of her hands and giving them a slight squeeze.

"Don't worry babe, I will be in and out before you know it," Hyuna said as she propped herself onto her top toes, placing a kiss onto the boys cheek before pulling away and giving a small smile and heading off back into the direction of her house.

She tried to be as quiet as possible, slipping through the front gates would be the easy part, but she couldn't leave her brother behind.

She knew the front door would remain unlocked, so as she snuck through the front garden she quietly opens the door just enough so she can hear where her parents are.

"What are we going to do?"

"It's not like it matters anymore, it's finished."

"I meant about our daughter."

"Hunny, she disobeyed us, making our family look like fools. The more important thing is Tae. We can not make him-"

Her parents conversation became muffled as they walked into what Hyuna beloved is the office, perfect.

She slips through the front door and closes it behind her quietly. Tip toeing upstairs and down the hallway to her brothers room.

She walks into his room, not bothering to turn the lights on as she made her way towards his bed. She kneels down in front of him and smiles when she sees the silhouette of his sleeping figure- small and peaceful.

She gently shakes him awake, "Tae, wake up," she whispered as she shook him some more, tiny sleepy noises of confusion started coming from Tae as he rolled over.

His hand came up to rub at his eyes as he looked up at his sister, "Hyuna what are you doing?" He asked confused.

"We got to get out of here, common let's go." She said, helping Tae out of his bed before grabbing one of his jumpers.

"Where are we going?" He asked, holding his soft green dinosaur plushy tightly to his body as he continued to rub his eyes.

"Away from here bud, Jaemin is waiting for us outside." At the sound of Jaemin Taes eyes lit up.

"Jaemin hyung?!" He said a little too loud in excitement. Hyuna holds her hand gently over his mouth, "we have to be quiet, okay? can we do that?"

Tae only nodded and Hyuna took this as her moment to pick him up and hold him on her hip. She looked around once more before nodding and heading off down stairs.

She was quiet and efficient, but that didn't stop her from freezing when she heard her parents walk out of the office.

She walks back up the stairs quietly and hides in the darkness of the second floor- watching as her parents walked past the stairs to get into the front lounge room.

Hyuna curses at herself, knowing she will have to act more calmly and carefully.

She adjusts Tae on her hip before walking down the stairs once again, her parents bickering becoming more clearer.

"What if we send them away."

"Like a boarding school? But she graduates this year."

"Then we deal with her later. We can just send off Tae? That'll help him fro-"

Hyuna didn't want to stay for any longer, she exits the house and makes her way out the gate. Anger boiling in her from the conversation she had overheard.

They can not send him away, they had no right, they barely raised him. Hyuna felt betrayed but she needed to protect him, she needed to do what's right, and this is what's right.

Getting Tae away from them is what's right.




This book doesn't have long left😬 and that makes me sad

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