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Bright beams of sun shards seeped through the curtains allowing the early morning day light illuminated the room quaintly.

Hyuna stirred in her sleep, slowly coming back to reality as her dreams quickly escaped her memory. She fluttered her eyes open as she stretched out in the bed- the warmth of the sun made it almost impossible for Hyuna to move as she pulled the blankets up to her chin once more.

It wasn't until she finally realised that the bed seemed emptied that she finally shot up. Eyes wide as she took in her surroundings, looking over to the other side of the bed, and where once held Jaemin, held nothing but cold sheets and messy blankets.

Hyunas eyebrows furrowed and yawned as she rubbed at her eyes, allowing them to adjust to the visions sun rays in the room.

She flung the blankets off of her and began walking out of the room, confusion still prominent as she cautiously walks around trying to find her boyfriend.

"Jaemin?" She whispered out as she looked near the bathroom. The faint sounds of chatter could be heard from downstairs and Hyuna tried to listen in.

It wasn't until the all too familiar sound of Tae laughing filled the house that sent a wave of calmness through her body.

She sighed, rubbing a hand through her hair before walking down the stairs, senses becoming infiltrated by the smell of pancakes as she made her way closer to the kitchen.

Her footsteps were light as she walked quietly to the kitchen door, standing in the entrance and looking in. The sight in front of her made a smile creep onto her face, an unfamiliar sensation washed through her as she watched the scene unravel in front of her.

Jaemin and Chanmi where situated Infront of the stove cooking what Hyuna deems to be pancakes, and while the two were cooking, Jeno was standing in front of Tae who was sitting on the counter on the island bench holding his Dino plushy.

"Here, do you want a banana?" Jeno said holding up a banana before bringing it up to his face to act like a smile. His face soon dropping once more when Tae gave no reaction and instead directed his attention over to his plushy, ignoring Jeno and his attempts at making the younger boy like him.

Hyuna had been too caught up in watching her brother that she didn't even realise that Jaemin had stopped flipping the pancakes and started walking towards her.

"Good morning love, did you have a good sleep?" Jaemin asked and placed a small kiss to her forehead.

"I did thank you, the best sleep I've had in a long long time- how about you?"

Jaemin only nodded, placing his hands on her waist before being her into a hug- his chin resting on top of her head."
"The most amazing sleep."

Hyuna was about to say something when her words got cut off by Tae excitedly  bouncing up and down on the counter and reaching out for his sister.

"Hyunie! Good morning!"

Hyuna smiled and walked over to him, reaching out and pulling him into her embrace. "Good Morning Tae, how are you this morning?" She asked, watching as his eyes sparkled under the lights above them.

"I'm doing gweat! Chami is making pancakes!" He said as Hyuna places him back on the counter and flattening down his hair.

"Oh really?" She said before looking back to Jenos mum who was already facing her, spatula in hand ready to flip the pancake.

"Yeah, it's Friday and I asked Tae what he wanted and he said pancakes, so pancakes it is isn't it mister," Chanmi said as she walked up to Tae and began tickling his stomach making him giggle and squirm in the counter from the overbearing sensation.

"I've never seen a child get so excited over pancakes," she said with a slight chuckle before turning back to the stove.
"It's like he's never had them before."

Hyunas breath hitched slightly, looking at Tae and watching as he was faced away from Jeno who was trying to bridge him into eating an array of food.

Tae hasn't exactly opened up to Jeno yet, and Jeno was not liking that, he want liking it one bit. He wanted Tae to like him even if he had to offer the whole house to the child.

"Okay done," Chanmi said as she turned around with a big plate filled with pancakes on it.

"Thank you mrs Lee," Hyuna said with a bow and watching as played were being handed around.

"Hunny you don't have to call me that, just call me Chanmi, I don't mind," she said sweetly, handing her a plate with a few of the best golden crisp pancakes on it.

"Thank you so much," Hyuna said to her before following Jaemin and sitting on one of the many breakfast bar stools at the kitchen.

There was a silence that fell over the room as the three teenagers and five year old began shoving pancakes into their mouths.

It wasn't until Chanmi broke the silence that made Hyunas heart miss a beat, eyes widening as she looked up to the older female.

"So, I need to talk to you about last night."

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