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"Hey darling, how are you?" Hyunas mother, Insook, asked as her daughter walked into the kitchen, hair a mess and bag half hanging off her shoulder.

"How was tutoring?" She watched as her daughter sat on one of the breakfast bar stools and dropped her bag to the floor.

"Yeah it was okay, the kid's finally getting the hang of the topic," Hyuna said as she forced out a tired laugh.

"That's nice dear- hey we have guests coming around shortly, could you go start cleaning upstairs." Her mother said not really paying much attention to the black bags under her eyes or her weak outer appearance.

Hyuna just watched as her mother washed some potatoes, clearly not interested in the events that happen in her daughters life, even if nothing really exciting happened anyway.

"Yeah sure thing." The girl said despite wanting nothing more than to have a shower and go to bed.

Begrudgingly she began dragging herself off of the stool weakly as she made her way up the stairs, bag held loosely in her hand.


Myunghee was sat in front of the girl, body turned around in her seat as she threw small pieces of scrunched up paper at her friend.

"Hyuna." She sang out quietly to get the girls attention.

Her head was resting in her palm as soft breaths escaped her slightly parted lips- eyes closed as she fell asleep in home room.

Another piece of paper hitting the girl right on the tip of her nose made her scrunch her nose at the feeling.

"Psst." Myunghee whispered out as she through yet another piece of paper at the girl.

Hyuna only letting out a groan as she was awaken from her nap.

"Tired are we?" Myunghee laughed out.

"I didn't sleep last night, was studying." Hyuna couldn't even be bothered opening her eyes as she tried to fall back asleep.

"I don't understand why, we don't have any tests coming up." Myunghee said, but it was pointless, the girl had already fallen asleep, unaware that her best friend felt pity towards her.

Eyes held with sadness as she looked at her sleep deprived friend. She had lost herself in her studies, and Myunghee thought she could help her.

Making the list as a sort of push to get the girl to not be who everyone wants her to be. Hyuna believed that Myunghee didn't know about her dreams and fantasies, but she did, and it made her sad that she was too scared to do anything about it.

A lightbulb going off in Myunghees head, looking around the room, and as if fate was on her side, the one guy she was looking for, just so happened to be walking past their classroom.

Earphones in as he wore black skinny jeans, a large white shirt that was loosely tucked it and adorning a few silver chains to match the many silver earrings in his ears.

Black hair falling over his forehead to just above his eyes- nose ring on full view as he looked into the classroom, staring straight at the sleeping girl.

Myunghee smirked at her perfect idea. If Myunghee, Hyunas best friend, couldn't help the girl, there was one person she knew that could.

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