Part One

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Phil's perspective;

Phil pushed open the wooden door frame to his homeroom class. The woman teaching, took no notice of him as she was to occupied with papers on her desk.

Phil began to walk face down to the corner of the class, trying not be reckoned with today. Luckily the popular boys took to much attention into their on conversation of " which chick they have banged " in the class.

Phil ignored them, and sat down at the small wooden desk. He took out his little drawing pad and began to sketch down a cartoon lion.

The teacher stood, and began to start the lesson, after she told the popular boys to be quiet themselves. Phil only took notice by hearing, not bothering to look upwards.

As she began to talk about the govermemts history, someone bursted through the wooden door

There stood Daniel James Howell. Only being 1/4 of the popular boys group. Phil looked upward at that moment, only to see Daniel's eyes connected to his. The teacher sighed and pointed for him to sit down, after his sudden interuotion.

Since there was only one seat left,he sat next to Phil He felt suddenly hot- as if he could feel eyes staring into him. Phil looked towards the board, but saw no one was. He looked to his left and saw Daniel's big, chocalate eyes looking at him once more. Phil looked back doen to his pad, amd tried to doodle more.

"That's a pretty great lion you got there."
Phil felt weird and saw the compliment came from the boy Daniel.

"Thank you.." Phil mumbled back in response. He didn't understand Daniel's persomality at the moment. He has never spoken a word to Phil before the moment. Now he seems to take an intrest?

Phil turned his eyes toward Daniel- with a look saying- " why the hell are you doing this..?" Daniel giggled, and told him, " I just thought you should know you are a remarkable artist."

Phil was now in a state of confusion- what the hell was happening? Butterflies were put im his stomach and seemed to float around, because he felt a stange emotion ince the complient was recieved.

The bell rung, reporting homeroom was over. Phil put his drawing pad away, and plucked his bag up as he stood on his feet.

Daniel stood there for a moment looking at him and spoke, " I hope I can see when that lion is finished. You better show me when it is ok?" Daniel smiled toward him, and Phil felt the urge to go red in his cheeks.

"Oh- Ok.." Phil mumbled back and lifted the corners of his mouth up.
He was confused out of his mind- why was he doing this to Phil? Did he put a spell on him- why was he so suddenly feeling this way towards him? Phil thoughts began to fumble in his head, as he stumbled out the class.

He just had one question on his mind specifically to Daniel though- Why did he take notice today?

HEY EVERYONE. its my first
Phan related story. please Like And Enjoy!

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