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san had tried, he really did. he had avoided the beverages for the most part and then the alcohol had been calling for him, luring him in and tricking him into drinking three cups of undecided liquid.

he was wobbly on his legs, giggling at a lamp before correcting himself and sitting down. he waited patiently for wooyoung to come get him, trying to seem sober.

"there you are," wooyoung smiled, immediately noticing his blown out eyes and flushed cheeks. "you didn't listen, did you? don't even think about lying."

he pouted, flinching slightly at the hold on his chin. "m sorry, i tried really hard." he promised.

wooyoung sighed, helping him up and guiding him to the special room again. "you tried, that's good. it's not enough to gain a reward, but it's good."

san whined softly, but allowed himself to be sat down on the couch. "i know, sorry." he whispered.

the younger cupped his face in his hands, leaning forward slightly and kissing his nose. "i'm proud of you, okay? i can see you are way less drunk than the other times, you did good."

a small smile made its way on his face, grateful of wooyoung's praise and seeming a thousand times more relaxed after he was reassured.

wooyoung placed a kiss on his forehead. "that's your reward for trying, hm?" he smiled, brushing his thumbs over his cheeks. "such a good little puppy."

he barked and pouted right after, moving his hands to hide his face as much as he could. "s-sorry, sorry."

"you can bark, baby," wooyoung allowed, yet didn't force his hands away from his face. "you sound so cute for me, don't you? wanna show me how tough you are?"

san giggled, barking again and panting softly, nudging against his hands. it was as if he wanted to deny it, wanted to tell him he wasn't tough.

"let's set up the couch so you can sleep here again, yes?" he suggested, letting go of his face and walking to the free couch, moving around for a moment before pulling out another part that made it a two person bed.

"grab the blankets from the corner over there and give them to me," wooyoung demanded, eyes trained on his form as he watched him move to do so. "good boy, thank you."

he made the bed with the pillows from the couch and the blankets that had been brought to him, quick as he worked and done in only a few minutes.

"lay down, baby," he pressed, guiding him in doing so and lifting the blankets to put him under. "must be dizzy, hm? you're so silly."

instead of laying down and cuddling with him, wooyoung just sat down, reaching out and petting his hair gently, brushing the strands away from his forehead as he shushed his subconscious whimpers.

"don't get so worked up, everything's okay," the younger promised, massaging his scalp with gentle scratches. "you should sleep, don't you think? tomorrow we can try again."

"okay," san whispered, laying his head down gently. "tomorrow we can try again."



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