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"san!" hongjoong greeted sweetly, opening his arms as an invite for a hug and san taking the offer, laughing softly. "i'm glad to see you back here, have you been staying sober?"

the boy pulled back, shaking his head and casting his eyes down to the ground. "i tried, but i got tempted."

hongjoong made a face of sympathy, raising his hand to stroke his cheek. "you tried, okay? that's enough, as long as you keep trying. wooyoung has missed you."

he nodded, whispering a thank you when his throat suddenly felt dry as he was guided to wooyoung, his eyes starting to become teary as he stood in front of the younger.

"san broke his sober streak," hongjoong explained, voice still so soft, so accepting. "he seems embarrassed about it, don't get angry at him. he promises he tried."

wooyoung just smiled at san, reaching out and pulling him on his lap gently. "it's okay, baby. tell me, what did you drink?"

"i had some wine on thursday," san started, figuring if he just told him he wouldn't be disappointing. "a few beers on saturday and then tuesday i had vodka with a coke."

"and why did you drink it, baby?" wooyoung asked, san finally settled on his lap properly. "did you want to?"

"no," he sniffled. "i-i don't know why i did it. 'm so disappointed and angry at myself now."

"that's okay. you can't help how you feel and you're valid for feeling it," the younger promised. "i'm very very proud of you, though. my good boy has tried so hard."

san made a small noise of disagreement, leaning forward and hiding his sad face in wooyoung's neck so he could let some tears go. "i'm sorry."

"getting over addiction is a long process, pup," wooyoung sighed. "we're all here to support you, though."

"thank you so much," san whispered, nuzzling against him. "and thank you for believing in me."

wooyoung responded with a sweet hum. "how about we give you a reward for trying so well, hm?" he suggested. "it can be anything you want, sexual or not. it doesn't have to be right now either, we can do it whenever you feel ready."

"play with hongjoongie and master, maybe?" san requested, so so so shy and afraid of rejection. "if both of you want to."

"do you need mommy to ask joongie for you?" he wondered, watching how san forced himself to pull back from his neck. "you're so shy about it, i'd understand."

san nodded, biting his bottom lip gently and shortly after wooyoung called out hongjoong was there. he explained the situation and hongjoong agreed without much thought.

"let's ruin this sweet little puppy, huh?" hongjoong teased, stood behind san and having his hands on his shoulders. "are we going to do it right here or in the bedroom?"

"i want to take him to the bedroom," wooyoung chose. "we're already two people on him, i don't want him to get overwhelmed from being watched as well."

"alright," he nodded. "give me a moment to get everything ready and then we can go there once he wants to."


i just want to clarify this; none of the people in this story will be cheating on their significant others. the have all had a conversation about what they're comfortable with and what not with their partners before they engaged in anything with the others. i get how it might come off odd to some of my readers, but for the characters in this book it is very normal. this does not mean they don't get jealous, the jealousy will be shown in some chapters.

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