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yunho carried him over to the couch, hongjoong settling in his lap and moving way more than he meant to, grinding down against yunho without sexual intention.

he kept letting out little noises; whimpers and whines as held onto yunho, grip never faltering for even a second.

the younger let him do as he pleased, not all too bothered by it when he had a big sense of self-control and holding his hips to help him out.

"bun?" yunho asked a moment later. "do you want to go shopping today, hm? i think you deserve some new things."

hongjoong giggled, nodding and his movements finally starting to simmer down when he felt calmer and his hip got tired. "i love you, yunho."

"i love you too, baby boy," yunho replied in a soft voice, rubbing his back. "do you need to suck?"

the older nodded, pulling back a bit so yunho could pull his shirt of his head, hongjoong immediately moving in to suck on his chest gently, kneading his stomach by pressing his hands into it the same way a cat would.

"good boy," he smiled, hand on the back of his head while hongjoong kept sucking softly. "so much going on in that pretty little head of yours, pets don't need to think."

hongjoong hummed against him, hips moving in a slow and comfortable pace as he calmed down more.

"such a sweet bunny boy," yunho praised, watching him as he pulled back and moved to a different spot to suck on; leaving an unintentional hickey. "marking your owner up so well."

there was a small giggle from hongjoong, happy that yunho knew what he wanted so well and so comfortable when he got what he needed.

he closed his eyes as he bit and sucked at the skin, feeling sleepy from his own actions and finally slumping against yunho, stopping the movements of his hips because he got too tired to continue, relaxed and slack against his boyfriend.

"my baby's tired, hm?" the younger smiled, petting his hair. "you can take a little nap, peach, it's okay."

hongjoong sighed against him, moving to another spot again and sucking there, lazy and languid.

"so sleepy," yunho repeated, voice hypnotising and addicting. "baby can't even keep his eyes open, so tired and droopy."

the older believed him flawlessly, sagging more and stopping his sucking, dragging his face up with his lips brushing his skin and hiding his face in his neck.

it was only a moment of him laying there before he fell asleep against yunho's bare chest, breath steady and the younger's hands still rubbing his back.

mingi walked into the room with the sandwich he had previously made, eating it with a soft smile. "have you seen hwa?"

yunho shook his head, mouthing an apology and shifting slightly so hongjoong could lay down better instead of having to sit up.

"it's okay," mingi replied, voice lowered when he noticed the sleeping boy. "thanks."

he wrapped his arms tighter around hongjoong, pulling him just a little closer in a promise of protection.


im so hungry wow

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