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yeosang had lead a terrible life; his body cut up and ruined in any way it could. there were scars all over his body from the whips and knives that had been used on him.

and they had never missed a single part. from his scalp all the way down to his toes. he had been found by them in an alleyway when they decided he didn't have use anymore.

he had been missing hair, spots on his head infected and bleeding. his arm had been dislocated and his ankle broken. his cuts had still been fresh and he was completely naked. it was terrible to find him like that.

it also meant that his intimate body parts had been messed with. there were parts of his penis cut and scraped away and his hole had been stuffed too full without preparation and cut into way too many times. touching either of them hurt.

none of them knew how he had managed to survive, but they always made sure to appreciate him. they always held his hand for a second in the morning and thoroughly told him to sleep well at night.

yeosang never felt beautiful. he'd be disgusted any time he looked at himself; he'd always blame himself for being treated in such a way. he couldn't understand jongho.

he couldn't understand why jongho had helped him; stayed by his side day and night where the others just came and left. he didn't understand why he wanted him so bad.

the boy gave in, moving his gaze to the mirror and scowling at what he saw. he ran his hands over his body, feeling all the bumps and dips of his past and holding back tears.

he hated it so much. he hated how he would never know what he did to deserve it or how he couldn't remember what his body looked like without the blemishes.

"what are you doing, baby?" jongho wondered, looking at the most beautiful person he'd ever seen. "are you cold? do you want to cover up?"

yeosang moved his gaze to jongho. beautiful, caring, sweet jongho. "do you think i look pretty?"

"i always think you're beautiful," the younger smiled, sitting down on the bed with him. "i can't spot a single flaw on you."

the older sniffled, eyes glassy as he looked back at the mirror, eyes flickering over his form. "why?"

jongho carefully pressed against his back, checking his reaction and pressing a soft kiss on his neck. "because all the way from the tippy top of your head to you cute little toes, i love every part of you."

yeosang tilted his head to the side, giving him access to his scarred neck. the younger took the invite, placing more kisses on his neck.

"what do you want to try, baby?" jongho asked, hands coming around and smoothing over his chest, feeling over the ridges and dips and only able to think about how much he wants to get the chance to kiss and massage them. "you can ask for anything."


:( the contrast in their ways of thinking about yeosang's body

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