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tomorrow had been weeks ago. it had been him apologising and distancing himself, leaving no trace or way to contact other than the trust that he would be there later for yet another party.

san never showed up; he had gone to a party in a different place, and decided that would be his new usual spot. it was easier to get drunk when he was there, he didn't have the guilt making his mind trip.

a body was pressed against his, grinding against him to the generic beat of the song that was being played way too loud to be good for anyone's ears. he just accepted it, needing physical contact and taking it in any way he could.

"can i fuck you?" the man panted against his lips, pressing him further against the wall. "please, you're so hot."

he would admit that the stranger was handsome, a sharp face and kind features, intimidating if it weren't for his flushed cheeks and shy smile. "of course you can."

"thank god," he whispered, hands moving down to start fumbling at the buttons of his pants. "i wouldn't know what to do if you said no, you're so fucking attractive, fuck."

san laughed, he felt good. both because of the hands roaming his body and because of how bad the other wanted him, it made him feel wanted, even if only for a moment.

"you're so pretty," the stranger growled against his neck, shrugging his pants down his legs for him. "so beautiful, my god."

he let his head fall back against the wall, allowed himself to be kissed and caressed, allowed his clothes to be removed to leave him bare.

kisses were trailed down his body, leaving a path over a chest. it almost felt loving, almost felt like maybe one day he could get this for real; stood in the kitchen on an early morning only to have his partner kiss him so gentle.

because he felt so lonely every time he woke up, knew something was missing yet had no clue where he would find it.

"please," san whispered, the first time he actually asked for something from the other. "please keep talking."

he hadn't even noticed the small tears beading in his eyes, collecting more water and getting ready to pour down his cheeks.

the other's tone somehow seemed even softer as he spoke again, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek to completely contradict the way his lubed fingers were prodding at his entrance. "you're so so pretty," he promised, whispered against his skin again. "i've got you."

and that was all san wanted, for someone to be there for him. for someone to make him feel safe and secure. it was weird, he had only known this man for about an hour and yet he felt more at home than he had in days.

"please," he whispered again, at a loss for words and clinging onto him weakly as he started moving the fingers inside of him. "i-i need you."

the stranger shushed him softly, pulling his fingers back momentarily so he could allow san to lay on the bed before pushing his fingers back in.



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