Chapter 13: Guilt

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Unknown POV

It has been 17 years since I defeated Seth's army with Joseph (Y/n's dad).

I was given the task of watching over the school whenever JYP is busy. The demon that attacked us last Monday means that Seth has found the Queen's daughter in this school.

From what I've seen in the cameras the demons believe that Dahyun is the princess. She has been targeted multiple times by many negative forces.

If only they knew the truth.

I let out a sigh.

I am incredibly stupid. I had given up the one person I love most because of this job. Now I'm paying the price.

If only I could turn back time to fix my mistakes. Then again, if I fixed my mistakes how would I learn?

The Queen had given me the one thing she treasured the most. She asked me to protect her treasured item for her.

I had given the item to someone else because I believed that I couldn't protect it as well as them.

The Queen would be so disappointed in me.

I was able to defeat an entire army with only seven other people. I was one of two who came back alive.

I could've protected her treasure. In some ways I am protecting it but I get a limited amount of time to do so.

No. I cannot dwell on past mistakes, I need to look forward.

But I can't. It haunts me how I'm unable to do much for the Queen's treasured item.

I closed my eyes.

I am so fucking dumb.

The Queen trusted me and I completely overlooked that.

My hands shook as I looked at myself through the bathroom mirror.

I need to talk to Joseph soon.

I took out my cellphone and dialed his number.

"Sorry but the number you have-"



I hung up the phone and clenched my jaw.

Queen Sapphire what do I do??

There's only so much I can do to protect the students here. But now I have to worry about the fraud who pretended to be RM.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the school hospital room.

Room 216

I entered the room to see RM tucked into his hospital bed. He was awake.

"Hey. How are you feeling today?" I looked at him.

"Been better," RM grunted.

"I wanted you to get more well before I asked about the fraud who took your place," I stated.

RM let out a sigh, "The fool took me by surprise. I was in my living room. My living room. And the man had the decency to drug me so I wouldn't put up a fight."

"How'd you receive your injuries?" I asked.

"The drug took a while to take effect on me. It didn't take long for me to realize that someone was in my house," RM explained, "I quickly identified where he was. At first he was invisible but I am sensitive to movement around me."

I nodded, "Go on."

"After I caught on to him, I attacked him. He put up a pretty good fight. I was so sure I was going to win though. Unnoticed by me, I was drugged before I knew he was in my house. After five minutes or so, I felt paralyzed- I couldn't move.
My body was not responding to me. The man had a mask covering his whole face so I do not know who it is. Next thing I knew, I blacked out.
I woke up hours later in a different part of town. Some kind people brought me to a hospital before I was transferred here."

I checked his body for any serious injuries but he only had a gash on his arm and a black eye.

"The drug took quite the affect on me. I had some crazy hallucinations and it completely exhausted my system," RM continued.

I took hold of his arm and gently lifted it. In the corner of my eye I noticed RM suck in a quick breath, just a little movement hurt him.

I closed my eyes and blew into the large gash on his arm.

RM immediately started relaxing, looking at me in amazement and wonder.

"Feel any better?" I questioned.

"Yes. How did you do that? Is it your ability?" He looked up at me.

"Yes. It is my ability, I can heal most wounds. Those that I cannot heal are of heartbreak and sadness. Also anything extremely life threatening," I answered.

He continued to look at me in awe.

I chuckled, "You should be out by tomorrow. I'll see you around."

I stood up, "RM?"

"Yes sir?" He looked at me.

"Don't mention my ability to anyone," I sternly told him.

"I won't tell a soul, sir." He replied.

I smiled and left the room.

I felt my phone vibrating and took it out of my pocket.

Incoming call from Joseph.

I immediately answered it, "Hello?"

"You called?" He asked.

"I need to speak to you. Face to face." I responded.

"My wife and I are back in Florida," He told me.

Anger flowed through my veins.

"You're leaving her alone again?" I glared at the ground below me.

"Y/n can handle being alone, she has her friends with her and Marshmallow." Joseph replied.


"Forget it," I spat into the phone, "I got to go."

I hung up the phone without waiting for a response.

Why'd I trust him with the Queen's treasure?


Anyone know who this 'unknown' person is? Take a guess.

It's a pretty short chapter.

Please vote~

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