Chapter 20: The Way Down

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"Everyone get up!" I heard Mr. TOP yell at us.

All of us didn't even stir or give any indication that we heard him. So he decided to take it upon himself to wake us up using a trumpet, military style. All of us jumped to our feet and saluted, standing up straight.

Mr. TOP chuckled, "Now that you're all awake..."

All of us glared at him for the way he woke us up.

"Get ready. We're going to enter the castle in five minutes." Mr. TOP went back into his headquarters.

Five minutes later.

"Alright ladies and pets," Mr. TOP came to the top deck, "Let's roll."

"So how are we supposed to get off the ship?" Sana asked.

The ship was floating above the castle 60 feet in the air.

Mr. TOP chuckled, "Well I don't know how you ladies are getting down but I'm using my own way."

We watched as he walked over the edge of the ship. He was facing us, his back to the drop below. Mr. TOP winked and fell backwards. We gasped and raced to the edge to see where he went.

Mr. TOP fell gracefully down onto the castle's roof. Then he did some flips from the roof to the main castle entrance below. Our jaws dropped as he did so. He dusted himself off before smirking up at us, "Now you girls go!"

I scoffed, "Show off."

"Okay, who wants to go first?" Jihyo asked us all. Silence filled the air as we all stared each other down.

I sighed, "I'll go."

I glanced at Marshmallow. How was I going to bring her down with me?

"Crusoe can fly Marshmallow down with him," Sana smiled at me.

"Thank you," I said relieved.

I looked down and gulped before deciding to just go for it. I jumped off.

As I dropped, my life flashed before my eyes. I truly thought I was going to die. I quickly copied Mr. TOP's moves and landed on the roof. My eyes snapped shut as I landed on my feet.

I reopened them and checked my body. I can't believe I actually pulled that off! I did it!

"Yeah! I'm okay! I made it down unharmed!" I cheered myself, "I cannot belie-"

A weight landed on my back. I groaned out in pain, "I'm not okay."

"S-Sorry!" The weight quickly got off of me and helped me up. It was Dahyun.

"Do I look like a safety mat to you?" I rubbed my back and pouted.

Dahyun blushed, "I thought I wasn't going to make it so I tried to adjust my position where you were and ended up falling right on top of you. I'm sorry."

I chuckled, "You didn't mean it, it's okay. Now we just need to-"

Someone else landed on me, making me fall on my stomach. Both the person and me groaned out in pain. Seriously? Again?

Dahyun helped the two of us up. I glanced at the new person, it was Momo. She was smiling sheepishly at me, "Hehe my bad."

I blinked twice, "It's not like you did it on purpose."

Momo scratched her neck, "Actually I did do it on purpose. I kinda used you as a safety net.."

"Are you insane? What if we fell?" My eyes widened.

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