Rules Rule!

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Following DuanZhan's weird outburst, WuAi pretended nothing was wrong. The following week when the blood donor came, she just directly led him to the guest room without calling out for DuanZhan. In the end, a blood donor's blood really couldn't compare to the male lead's blood...

The day before she returned to work, she was told rules that she had to follow.

In the office, he sat at his table while WuAi stood watching him closely, "You can go to work, but you must live here."

WuAi considered his words, it wasn't like she could suddenly bring the blood donor back to her old house, "Ok."

"Those killings, I did them."

WuAi had a theory and this only proved her correct, "Then I'll move those cases to the back. Can't you deal with them quietly?"

"The police arrives way too quickly. That neighborhood consists of vampires, so once they smell blood, they immediately call you. They don't give me time to remove the corpse."

"What's wrong with the vampires you've been killing?"

He cracked his knuckles before answering, "There was a case the Hunter's Organization had just finished solving, and they were the runaway vampires. They weren't willing to follow me back, so I was given orders to kill on the spot." DuanZhan had at first been staring at his fingers, but at this point he stared at her, "If you betray my trust, it will happen to you too." 

Large, innocent eyes stared back at an angry glare from the male lead, "Don't worry. I've been given a second chance at life, I won't ruin it." DuanZhan hmph-ed at her, "How about the next time you kill a vampire, you text me before hand and I'll slow down the police department a little bit."

"No, you don't have to do that. Everyone that was involved is gone now," then he continued on. He leaned back into his chair, "You must be back by 8pm every night."

"No." This, WuAi absolutely couldn't do, "I have a lot of cases that I need to work on. If the earliest I can leave the house is at 4pm, I only get 4 hours to work on my cases. Then if I were to work in the morning, and leave at 5am and work until 8am, that is only 3 hours. I can't leave all the work to my coworkers."


"Can I come back, and then go back out to do my own research?" DuanZhan just didn't want her to miss her meals and WuAi seemed to understand, "Ok, I'll bring a flask with me at all times so you don't have to worry about me attacking people. How about that?" He nodded his head, "So can I come back later then?"


WuAi couldn't understand this man's mood swings. Sometimes he would joke and tease her, but other times he would be unwilling to open his mouth more than 2 times each time he had to talk. She didn't feel like fighting him on this anymore, "Anything else?"

He swiveled his chair to face the scenery outside, "No, you may leave." 

The entire time WuAi was monitoring his paralyzed face, nothing noticeable happened until there was a face twitch when he was talking about the vampires who were involved were now dead. She looked once more at his back, it was better to not get too involved in matters that weren't hers. WuAi quickly slipped out.

The chair swiveled back and DuanZhan looked at the closed door. There were a lot more rules that he should have stated, but for some reason, he trusted that she wouldn't leave him. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket, but he already knew what it was going to say. 


Attend the meeting tonight.

Once it was morning, and DuanZhan knew that WuAi would be asleep. He left the house in his sleek dark blue car to get to the Hunter's Organization just 15 minutes away in the city.

He entered an inconspicuous tall building. Everyone there wore suits and tie. Once they saw DuanZhan they would nod and say, "Mr. Zhan." There was no front desk to stop at, and he got onto the elevator to the top floor. Upon entering the room, he saw that everyone was already there. His father sat to the right of the President, and he continued to sit to the right of his father. He nodded to everyone and then the President commenced the meeting. 

Presentation slide print outs were passed out to everyone and the meeting quickly glazed over. They finally reached the final point.

In a quiet voice, his father asked DuanZhan, "Why are you not handing over the vampire yet." Everyone looked towards him for his response, but DuanZhan didn't know how to answer. 

"That's right," the president said, "You handed in ShanCheng, it's time to hand in WuAi." The president was a very amiable person. He didn't like vampires, nor did he hate them. He followed rules and was not dictatorial. DuanZhan's father on the other hand, hated vampires, and would kill them all if he was the president. 

That's right, DuanZhan too also hated vampires. Before killing them, he would play with them until they begged to be killed. In fact, he had done just that to ShanCheng before sending her to the Hunter's Organization. But he didn't do anything to WuAi.

He thought back to when WuAi would smile mischievously to him when he patted her head. He thought back to when he saw her about to bite into the blood donor. Finally he thought about these weird feelings he felt whenever he saw her.

"She was a human originally. There were a couple of things to clear up, so I let her go back out." DuanZhan said.

"Outrageous!" His father slammed his hand onto the desk, "You bring that vampire back immediately. She has seduced you, you should know this already. This is a vampire ability." 

The President waved him down to sit down, then proceeded to rub his chin in thought, "We do have rules. She has not broken any rules as of yet. If we let vampires go back out, tracking must be put on her. Have you done that yet?"

DuanZhan nodded his head.

"DuanZhan's body has a natural rejection to vampiric seduction, thus he is thinking clearly." He gave a reprimanding look to DuanZhan's father. "I allow her to go back out to work. Once she is done, bring her to the Hunter's Organization."

"Yes sir," DuanZhan said. He could see his father's hand curling into fists.

"Meeting adjourned."

Everyone quickly filed out except for DuanZhan and his father. Once everyone was gone, his father swung a punch to DuanZhan's face. 

He let his father hit him.

Then his father left the room. DuanZhan understood his anger, but there was nothing to be done. DuanZhan thought back to his mother that he lost at 8. He could barely remember how she looked like now...

Why must Male leads always have black nice cars, why can't they be low key?
Blue blue blue! This author likes blue!
System55566688833: Why can't you follow the normal stereotype?
This author is! Sorta!

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