Unnecessary Info.

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Soon, snow was touching down outside.

WuAi's left hand man entered her suite one early morning. He wore a Brigadier General military uniform. Upon entering her bedroom, "Brigadier. General. Zuo. Shou. Reporting. For. Duty!" He yelled out. WuAi flung a pillow at his head, but he ducked. Her head peaked out of the blankets to look at the clock. The motherfucker came at 6am.

"Where did you find that uniform?" WuAi grumbled to him.

He only smiled, "What are you talking about? I am a Brigadier General."

WuAi who had gotten up to get ready, stared him dead in the eye. "You did not..."

"Your father allowed me to follow you!" He cheerfully smiled back. 

"I told you to look over my brother!"

"You have YouShou to look over him."

WuAi flung another pillow at him, which he caught. She found him especially disobedient today, "Disobedient. 50 push ups."

Outside stood her entire team in military uniform. All 50 of them.

Her right hand man also stood there in the kitchen frozen. ZuoShou was supposed to appease her... 

When she saw this, she went back to the bedroom and pulled her left man out by the ear to the living room.

"YouShou is looking over my brother right now?" She menacingly asked into his ear.

He shivered in slight fear as he tried to act cute. She was scary, and he was also receiving glares from the rest of the team.

"50 push ups all of you. ZuoShou-50 push ups and later...." WuAi dragged out the time, "20 laps." They all dropped to the floor. WuAi ate her cereal as she watched them warm up. 

As they got up, her gaze looked at the insignia on their collar. Her left hand man was a BG, right hand was a Col., then the rest were spread out into the other ranks. Over their right chest, it was the 1st Legion Medal, and underneath it was the espionage symbol, an owl. MG#1 foot soldiers had a lion, MG#2 sky soldiers had a bird, and MG#3 sea soldiers had a shark. MG#4 doctors had a shield, and MG#5 had the pi symbol. 

When they were finally able to sit down to eat the breakfast they brought on their own, WuAi was able to grill her right hand man.

"What happened?"

"We found that we couldn't really work with your brother..."

"Not a good excuse. You guys should have still tried to work it out with him."

YouShou kicked ZuoShou to help him out, but ZuoShou suddenly found his cereal bar to be very tasty! "Umm... Your father decided that we could only work at our best under you. After all, we trained under you. Your brother is a real work killer. He isn't flexible and doesn't trust us."

"It's called gaining his trust, and getting used to his leadership. You couldn't even do such a simple thing?"

Her men felt wronged. They really did try! 

WuAi called her father to make sure this wasn't a late April Fool's Joke.

WuAi rubbed her forehead in annoyance. She didn't want them to be in the Legion in the beginning, as she had other plans. 

"What about LiDong?"

"From the recent batch your brother saved, LiDong is amassing some followers and they're learning computer skills." WuAi nodded her head. As the male lead, he was destined to lead. Of course he would get followers.

At 8am, WuAi was called to the General's office to be notified of her team joining the Legion. 

This was no April Fool's Joke. But... What could she do now. It was set in stone.

During lunch, at the canteen, she also saw 2 familiar black curly haired twins. She went up to smack the girl's head hard. "XiaoPeng, what are you doing here? Is it vacation time?"

XiaoTian had long seen her from afar and moved a seat over. XiaoPeng touched her head and grumbled at WuAi. WuAi spotted XiaoTian's Colonel rank with the pi symbol, and XiaoPeng's Lieutenant Colonel rank with a shield. WuAi's eyes glimmered, she was going to be able to see them often here too. 

XiaoPeng grumbled, "Yes, on vacation. Took the physical and mental exam. Just to come here for fun to see your face." 

WuAi handed her some vegetables from her tray. "I'm kidding." She smiled, "I'm glad to see you here." XiaoPeng in return gave rice to WuAi.

"Excuse me."

That person was here again.

WuAi stared up once again at the female lead. She forced out a smile, "Lieutenant General MingGuang." 

"WuAi." The twins frowned at this too. 

WuAi wondered what stupid thing she was going to say this time to block her from having a peaceful time.

"Lieutenant General MingGuang." A person called for her from behind, it was a colonel. He looked a little out of breath, "General has called for you and Lieutenant General ZhengYi to the office. There's an emergency." After she left, he also turned to salute the rest, "Major General WuAi, Colonel," and he nodded at XiaoPeng.

They too saluted back in return and soon was left alone. 

"What was with that girl?" XiaoPeng asked.

WuAi only shook her head, it was something she had no power over and there were too many people here listening. 

Christmas quickly came. The day after they were all given a week to return home. But WuAi decided to stay at the dorms, as her team told her they were expecting a wave of Zerg coming. Since the 1st Legion was on break, she shared her information with the 2nd Legion. 

WuAi also called up LiDong to come by for dinner so she could test his computer skills. The entire morning and afternoon she was over at the 2nd Legion's main building. 

Too lazy to make names. WuAi's left hand man's name, literally is: Left Hand.

WuAi's left hand man -- ZuoShou 左手

WuAi's right hand man -- YouShou 右手

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