Party in the Military!

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The party was like any college party. Loud bass music, beer pong, drunk kids, random humpings and that one guy looking at you with a smoldering look, as if he was trying to eye fuck you.

This was the reason why WuAi liked to avoid parties. But as the trophy wife of XiaoPeng, she had to go.

"Wifey wifey," XiaoPeng was currently drunk and trying to kiss WuAi on the cheek.

WuAi pushed her lips away, but through the gaps you could still see her lips still puckered up like a fish. "Weren't you calling me sister-in-law before? Trying calling me that now." XiaoPeng stomped her feet and pouted at her. 

Since WuAi knew that her younger brother and XiaoPeng were in a relationship, she immediately threw her to him. She pulled out her hand monitor and sent her younger brother a message.

Come get your girl

Younger brother:
What girl?I don't know what you're talking about.

If you don't admit it, I will not allow your relationship at all

Younger brother:
OK ok ok.
I'm coming, where are you?

Bring 2 cars and 1 driver.
We're at XX House

WuAi figured that her younger brother would also probably want to drink upon arriving and spend some more time with XiaoPeng. So she told him to bring an extra car and a driver. She was not going to allow her brother to drink and drive. So irresponsible. 

She waited outside the front door of the house. While XiaoPeng sat at the doorsteps, totally out of it. WuAI held a beer bottle in her hand, but it was empty. She still pretended to nurse it while texting on her phone.

She could hear a couple of leers from behind her. She glared at them, but they weren't afraid of anything, drunk off of alcohol. 

One guy decided to bring up his guts, to stumble towards WuAi. The two other guys started reaching for XiaoPeng. WuAi had to finish this quickly. He reached his hand out towards WuAi, and WuAi immediately grabbed his hand, punched him in the gut, then twisted his hands behind his back and forced him to kneel. He quickly splattered his puke out onto the floor, and then WuAi knocked him out and he face planted into his own puke. All this was done before those two other guys touched XiaoPeng.

His friends shortly sobered up and without delay, hauled their almost dead friend away.

WuAi's younger brother stood a short distance away from the scene and only hoped that it would never happen to him. WuAi glanced at him icily, "Slow."

He could only shrug, he already left right after her first text to him, and it wasn't like he could use any military vehicles for civilian use. He threw her personal car keys over and quickly walked past her to make sure XiaoPeng was ok.

"Oh!" XiaoPeng giggled, "It's XiaoQing!" She brought her hands around him and snuggled against him, "I was waiting for you!"

WuAi promptly left them alone.

Earlier she had received a text message that there was going to be a slave auction.

This wasn't in the original storyline.

System55566688833: The original host didn't go to the party and had instead gone to sleep early. So they missed it by the time it was morning.

What's so important about this slave auction?

System55566688833: It sells Omega's for sexual use. The male lead is currently there as well.

...WuAi was hoping that he wasn't part of the sex traffickers... He was never mentioned in the storyline either.

System55566688833: After your death, he bought pills to fake his identity and entered the military as a Beta. The female lead finally let go of her prejudice against Beta's and fell in love with him. Then it was revealed that he was actually an Omega, and they got a happily ever after.

That asshole of a female lead got together with the male lead that easily? 

If the system could, it would shrug its shoulders.

System55566688833: Well, they're the main leads.

WuAi got to her  hover car and got in. Set the navigation

System55566688833: Complete.

The gala and the party were all in walking distance of the dorm, so this was her first time seeing the entire world. There were floating buildings and floating gardens. People walked their pets out on that space. She saw a couple of floating bicyclists, riding on the buildings and doing tricky maneuvers. 

Soon after, her car arrived in the scummy area of town. Here there were no floating buildings, no lively things. Everything was built on the ground. WuAi made her hover car shoot towards the slave auction building and quickly landed. She didn't want people to notice her. She brought out a black mask from the car compartment. It was simple and decorated with a couple of black feathers. It covered her entire face and when she spoke, it also altered her voice. She hastily sprayed on red hair dye, set the car to invisible mode and left.

Upon entering, the inside looked completely different from the outside. The entire room looked like it was decorated with gold. A male receptionist came up to her. WuAi handed him her card and he bowed quickly before checking her name on his list.

Into his walkie talkie, he said, "VIP," and then he led her to a room.

WuAi was a well known slave buyer at the slave auction. She would buy a dozen each time and soon she became the VIP and got first access to the Omega's. They could only guess what she did with the sex slaves.

There, the servants wore simple white masks and lined up around her and bowed, "Madam." She walked through the parade and went to sit at the couch.

The head servant followed behind. "Any new ones?" She questioned him.

He pulled out a binder that showed the Omega's face and their special sex talents. WuAi looked disgustedly at the binder but it was hidden by the mask. The Omega's in the binder numbered more than a hundred. 

"Master." Another person walked into the VIP room. His mask only covered the top half of his face and it was decorated with gems galore. He arrogantly walked into the room. Checked a couple of the maids faces and whispered into their ears. One can guess what he said as he started to pull the waist of one of the maids towards him.

"Disgusting." WuAi's voice rang out in the room. Their eyes connected.

Electricity sizzled in the air.

This author is not a martial artist or a fighter, do not take these words seriously.

WuAi's brother -- YiQing 一轻

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