No wonder he didn't hear anything from the outside. He didn't notice it when he first got in, because he was so nervous. But what he was looking at were only holograms. They were videotaped beforehand, no wonder these people weren't responding to what he wanted to say.
He also said 'Anal' and 'Submissive' multiple times into his speaker, but got no response from his sister or his team.
He looked for the receptor agitator and found it next to one of the light bulbs.
Once it was broken, he finally heard the clamor outside. He took a breath to calm down, "Creampie!" Exactly at that time, he heard his sister say she was going in. "No, I can hear you guys now. Tell me what's going on." WuAi recapped all that happened on her side. "We're changing to Cum Shot," he said. The people in charge of the sex trade was escaping!
With a slam to the door, a crack appeared and he was able to see chains around the knobs. With a quick bang! from his gun, he was able to get out.
Through the corner of WuAi's eyes, she saw the blue trackers were moving. The 10 minutes were also up, "Action Team move out!"
After some time, WuAi couldn't understand it. The dots kept chasing after each other but they always maintained the same distance. When WuAi had gone to place the trackers on the cars, they were clearly civilian cars, thus her own men should have been able to catch them quickly.
"Any more floors above yours?"
"Tech team, prepare the tank, and the invisible cloak detector," There was either a secret way up to the roof, or she was missing something. "YiQing, Check for secret ways to the roof, I'm going in to the 4th floor."
WuAi had to think. The most bottom floor was the garage. Then, the floors leading up to the ground floors all contained Omegas. The ground floor was where the VIP's rested.
With her right hand man, they rushed into the building. This time she was armed with weapons.
When they arrived, it was quiet. If this was the torture floor that she deduced from YiQing's video, and those people had left, then they would hear some sobbing, or screams for help. But there was nothing.
"Tech team, anything from the security cameras?"
"Negative. They only show the stairway."
"Then I have no need for them, kill the electricity" and the lights were promptly shut down. WuAi's brother soon came downstairs to follow them.
With their guns out, they neared the large doors to the torture room. She motioned them forward to look into the room first.
Her right hand man came back holding a music player looking miffed, "All clear."
Hong84, show me the map of the building.
The map of the building was straightforward, and at a glance, one could tell that there were no secret rooms.
"Action Team come back." There was no reason to keep chasing after them, after all, their plan was already seen through.
Through the earpiece, they were able to hear her father say that the Omegas had successfully left the building.
All of a sudden, they heard a painful gasp, "They're shooting at the Omegas!" Her left hand man said.
"Tech Team set out!" There weren't any snipers under a invisible cloak in the building as WuAi's and YiQing's masks would have informed them. But it was possible for tanks to be set up from a distance, under the invisibility mode to shoot at escapers.
The top floors were checked, thus the only ones they hadn't fully check were the bottom, underground floors.
WuAi and her brother glanced at each other, "Sis, check from bottom up, and I will check the 1st floor first. Meet you in the middle." WuAi nodded. After YiQing first left, she motioned for her right hand man to check the 5th floor again. Just in case.
At the lowest floor, in the large expanse, she saw that those cars were still there. Their plan was seen through.
When she looked at the outline of the building, there was a machine room at the very end of the room. On each floor, a little box jutted out of the usual rectangular floor plan. But only the lowest floor had access to it. WuAi hoped it wasn't what she thought what it was.
With WuAi's ears to the wall and no motion detected, she opened the door. In it was an elevator. It also still had electricity running. Shit.
She immediately took the elevator and it had only 2 buttons. Basement or the rooftop.
When she arrived at the rooftop, she saw her right hand man fighting against a group of people and a hover car not too far away. On the ground laid a couple people groaning. She ran over to help.
"Action Team is back."
"Action Team come to the rooftop immediately!" She yelled into the speaker.
Since WuAi was still a distance away from her right hand man, she was able to see someone pull out a gun. She was not going to allow her people to be hurt. With a last spurt, she stood in the path of the bullet, and shot one back in return. They both fell to the ground.
Her brother also found the pathway to the rooftop, and fought back. With the Action Team's help, all the people were subdued, and brought to prison.
WuAi was quickly sent to the hospital.
There are so many holes in these chapters, but this author doesn't want to go over them.

Don't Transmigrate Me!
FantasyWatch a lazy author write out the transmigration of WuAi and how she tries to make everything seem ok. Even when her Chinese is failing her at every turn as she tries to make fake names for everyone. WuAi had just lost her boyfriend to the classic t...