2: Yibo!

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Lan Yibo is just an ordinary business college student from a humble family. His family once own a successful company, but due to his family's ill fate, the company went downhill.

Now, his kind brother, Lan Xi Chen, stands as the family's breadwinner, working in the city to pay for their daily needs and Yibo's tuition, whereas Yibo works part time to pay for his other school bills not wanting to burden his brother with all the expenses.

He has no time to hang around friends or waste money buying expensive foods and stuffs. So every end of his class, he leaves as fast as he could, avoiding any unnecessary interactions. Like today, he apathetically swing his backpack on his shoulder and exited their room as soon as he heard the words, "Class dismissed."

He took his phone from his pocket, noticing several missed calls from his Uncle Lan Qi Ren, who is now his guardian. He was planning to return the call when his ill fate yet again intercepted, and the phone's battery dried out. He sighed and shoved the phone back to his pocket.

As he was about to cross the street, he saw an old woman crossing the road whilst an expensive car honks loudly against her.

"Assholes." He spat then run towards the grandma, assisting her until she is safe from those rude elites of the society.

"You're such a nice young man." The grandma stated. "Thank you very much. I hope you'll be blessed extremely from your good deed."

'Blessed?' It made Yibo chuckle. He believes in no such things like blessings or good karma. However, he didn't contest her words, as he doesn't want to upset her. "No need to thank me. Please be careful on your way." He said waving goodbye to the old lady.

His mind is still brooding over the woman's words, expanding his thoughts between karma and reality, until he reached their front porch. His mind is too occupied, he did not even see the two black SUV's at the front of their house.

Surprisingly though, he noticed that their front door is unusually opened wide. And before he could even take a step inside, someone seized his arms while a handkerchief covered his nose and mouth. He struggled but the chemical in the cloth has already affected his senses. Slowly, his vision becomes blurred and his consciousness faded. The last thing he heard was his Uncle's voice, screaming his name, "Yibo!"

Author's note:

Still just for introduction!


Cutting The Chase (BJYX) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now