19: Pervert!

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Zhan woke up feeling the warmth gone between his arms. He instantly sprang up, seeing the empty space Yibo has left on his side.

"Yibo?!" he scanned the lifeless room. Only when he heard water splashes from the bath that his fearful heart settled and he was able to collapse back in bed, relieved. It's only 5 in the morning, "Yibo is such an early bird." He sighed massaging his temples, realizing he couldn't go back to sleep without the man on his side.

Sluggishly, he dragged his body up from bed, stretching his limbs a bit before reaching the bath door, intending to knock but then changed his mind. He smiled while shaking his head, then turned away from the temptation.

After washing his face, he proceeded to brew himself a strong coffee in the kitchen, inhaling its sumptuously rich aroma while he curiously opened his laptop.

He had indeed miss a few days off work, and 3 days meant piling work awaiting in his return. But he just skipped the business emails, eyes brightening with a special email from his trusted personnel.

Zhan was too pre-occupied he didn't notice Yibo's rampage to approach him, until he slammed some papers on the table across him.

Zhan's plastered smile faded instantly, swiftly closing down his laptop, gulping guiltily as he stared at the glaring man. "G-Good morning?" He apprehensively greeted.

Yibo ran his eyes from Zhan's nervous face and his suspicious laptop, but then decided to focus on eyeing Zhan with annoyance, pointing at the papers he'd placed in front of him.

Those were Yibo's project proposals.

"Ahm. Let me guess." Zhan started, awkwardly collecting the papers, and gulping with his dry throat several times. "You don't like me helping you with school work?"

Yibo exasperatedly looked at him as if he had said an alien language.

"No?" Zhan queried confused.

"No." Yibo replied with a straight face.

Zhan tilted his head, now completely baffled of Yibo's protest. "Then why do you seem...upset?"

"How could an inexperienced college student present that?" Yibo asked in horror, slumping on the nearest chair.

"Ha-Haha." Zhan finally understood his point. He stood up from his seat, circling around the table to stand at Yibo's back. He leaned down, placing his arms against the table, cornering Yibo between his arms and body. "Then, are you complimenting me, Didi?"

His voice sounded unbearably seductive. And his breath playfully touch Yibo's nape, making Yibo shake uncontrollably.

"I didn't say that!" He denied, making a ball with his fist, trying to control his embarrassment.

Zhan repressed a chuckle, finding his reactions too cute. "If you say so." he teased pulling himself away, contented to see Yibo's ears and nape had turned red.

He moved back to his chair, aiming for his cup when Yibo's jade white flesh flashed in his sight and took a hold of the cup before him. Fascinated, he just stared at the man who's drinking his black coffee as if it's merely water.

The way Yibo's Adam's apple moved up and down, makes Zhan too thristy, he found himself reaching for him.

But before he could even touch him, Yibo had finished drinking, giving him another set of death glare before starting to walk away.

"Oh my." Zhan suppressed a laugh grabbing his empty cup. He eyed the thing with a mischievous grin, placing the cup's lid against his lip for an indirect kiss. "This could do for now."

He found it funny finding himself head-over-heels towards the younger man. That even his glare is adorable in his eyes. Cheng was right, he's whipped, and 'too much' to add in that.

He immediately followed him back to the bedroom only to bump onto him as he opened the door. "Yibo, where are you going?" His palm sweat in fear as he hold his arms.

Yibo faced him, confused to see the fear in Zhan's eyes. "School." He answered to calm the other down.

Effective enough, Zhan involuntarily released the lump in his breath. "Do you have to go?" His pleading eyes are hypnotizing, so Yibo averted his eyes as fast as he could. "Mn." he nodded.

He was thinking there would be another set of petty argument between them before he lets him go. But he only heard him say, "Okay, but let me drive you."

When he looked at Zhan, his beautiful smile had successfully mesmerized him, he could no longer reject his offer.

Zhan was only wearing his house clothes: white knitted jumper, grey trousers, and black slip ons, but the sight is dashing enough for Yibo to keep averting his eyes from him. It might be his posture, his clean features, his tall height or something else, but even plain clothes make him look like a descended God from Mt.Olympus.

As soon as the car stopped at the school's parking lot, Yibo wanted to hide in an invisible cloak and run away. The student's gaze are piercing through him making him too uncomfortable. He regretted not making a fight when Zhan ushered him to the passenger's seat of his luxurious car.

Zhan placed his hand on Yibo's shoulder, making him flinch. "Oh. Sorry. Just want to ask what time will you finish class?"

"Why?" He eyed him suspisciously.

"Why? That doesn't answer my query." Zhan endearingly pouted. "Can't I pick my fiancé after school?" He leaned towards Yibo earning him a slight push on the shoulder. His weak force he deciphered as Yibo being shy and not really because he hates him. He sighed and respected the distance he wanted. While seeing Yibo's discomfort, he can only give up and move back.

He unbuckled his seatbelt, about to open the door on his side, when Yibo yanked him back to his seat. "Where are you planning to go?!"

Zhan stared at him innocently, "Can't I walk you to class?"

"Of course not!" Yibo firmly objected. He hastily leaned on Zhan's side to buckle his seatbelt back, which gave Zhan a chance to cheekily steal a kiss on his tempting chubby cheek.

Yibo gaped at him, touching his own cheek in surprise.

"That's for not allowing me to walk you to class." Zhan raised an eyebrow. Yibo opened his mouth to refute but Zhan's lips were quicker than him. He had sneaked another peck on the dazed man's other cheek.

Yibo can only stare at him in disbelief. "Pervert!" He screamed protecting both of his cheeks, clumsily dashing out without even pausing to close the car's door behind him.

"See you later, Bo-di!" Zhan shouted at him from far away, intentionally catching the passersby's attentions, making Yibo internally curse him for the unnecessary fame.

Zhan giggled as he watched Yibo sprint from embarrassment, a naughty idea playfully flashing in his mind.

"I'll see you soon, Didi."

Author's note:

Yeah, the next chapters would be funny and cute! Expect Yibo's jealousy and Zhan's boldness!

Hoping to hear your thoughts! 💚


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