7: Hatred (one)

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Zhan felt so tired he just want to lie on his bed after showering, but that little devil has now occupied his territory. He even lent him a spare of clothes.

"I'm being too kind to my enemy." He sighed, glancing at the sleeping Yibo, who looks so pure and peaceful. He did woke up for a bit when Zhan tried to take his clothes off. But like a drunk man, he slapped Zhan's helping hand, saying 'Don't touch me.' Then struggled to change his clothes on his own.

Zhan's cheeks flushed as he remembered Yibo's white jade skin. Good thing, he is in his proper mind and managed to turn around before Yibo revealed his everything to his innocent eyes.

He thump his forehead to forget that scene, then let his head hung backwards on the chair. "I guess, I'll take the other room." which of course hasn't been cleaned by him yet. Just the thought of it makes his persisting headache from this afternoon worsen.

A little while later, his bed hasn't warmed up yet, when the door bell rang, and Zhan frustratedly get up. It is only 3 in the morning. "Who would come at this devilish hour?!"

He stomped his feet towards the door, and to his surprise, a strong slap greeted him on his face when he opened that door. He was so shocked he wasn't able to recover from that hit immediately.

"What kind of person are you?! I didn't raise you to be so heartless!" His grandmother reprimanded him.

"Mom, I'm sure Zhan didn't mean for this to happen." His Uncle Fengmian defended him, while his Shijie ran to his side and checked his beaten cheek.

Anger grew back inside Zhan's chest. His grandma had never hit him before...but because of that little devil...

He shut his eyes and gritted his teeth as he held his upsurging anger. Yan Li felt Zhan's shaking body, pleadingly she said, "A-Zhan, relax. Let this go. Grandma is just worried. Please understand."

"This isn't a simple matter Yan Li! Yibo might've died in that forest! And who should I blame?!" She eyed Zhan accusingly. "You should apologize to him!"

That made Zhan snap. "Me? Apologize to him?! And why would I do that?!"

His loud voice surprised everyone. He had never raised his voice that much specially against his grandma. But Old Sangren's temper is of another level, "Insolent child!" she lifted her cane and hit Zhan's arm. The physical torment only stopped when Fengmian took hold of the stick, and assisted his mother out of the house.

"Apologize to him, or you'll surely be kicked out of this family!" She shouted before leaving.

"A-Zhan, don't take it to the heart. She's just worried and stressed about the incident." Yan Li consoled.

"And what about me?" Zhan's voice broke.

Yan Li's always happy visage frowned and she hugged her cousin, patting his back. "You always have me." She smiled at Zhan, pinching the other's cheek.

Zhan managed to smile after her reassurance. He hugged her again, thankful that there is a Shijie in his world who will always make him feel loved no matter what.

Yan Li waved goodbye and left after briefly checking Yibo's condition. She promised to come back later, but she insisted that the nurse and their main family maid she brought along with her, remain in the house to help take care of Yibo.

"As you wish, Shijie." Zhan replied then wished her a safe journey back.

"Young Master, we've brought your favourite Lotus soup. Ms.Yan Li specifically requested that you have some." The maid offered.

Zhan obeyed without delay after closing the door behind. He actually hasn't eaten anything since he came that morning. Plus, cleaning the house and searching for Yibo, had definitely took all the energy out of him, he couldn't even describe his exhaustion and hunger in combination.

As he slurped the last broth, he commented, "Something tastes different."

The maid, quizzically smiled at him. "Is it good or bad?"

Zhan pretended to ponder, but actually the answer is obvious to that question. "It actually tastes better." He grinned, explaining further, "But maybe I just haven't tasted it for quite a while. Or that I just missed it so much? Or that I'm too hungry."

"Then I'll pass your good review to the cook." She teased.

Zhan nodded, proud that his Shijie deserves all the praise in the world.

"Young Master!" The nurse suddenly emerged from Yibo's room huffing as she come to see Zhan. "He's awake!" She said which awaken Zhan's hatred, yet again. A mischievous smile flourished his lips, "So the little devil has risen from death."

Full of energy from his sumptuous soup, Zhan is ready to face the cause of all his misfortunes.

'Let me teach you a lesson.'


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