27: Days Apart

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The first night, Yibo did not sleep a wink despite having his Minion plushie on his side. Few days of having cuddles with Zhan already made him dependent on his warmth at night and his absence only meant sleepless nights for Yibo.

The Wei's mansion's characteristic of being a silent massive void without its Young Master did not help as well. Yibo doesn't feel too comfortable staying in it. Therefore the following day, he went back to their small house at the outskirt of the village. His brother and Uncle welcoming him with utmost love.

In school, his days went slightly far from normal as well. The added attention everyone was giving him after Zhan broke into his cold campus life was too much for his low-key profile to take. The usual love letters and gifts he receives doubled its number and the snap-and-shots of flashes taking his picture was just too much.

An unfamiliar arm slung onto his shoulder as he darted his way out of that hell hole campus. "Cousin-in-law, it seems you're not enjoying the time of your life with all these paparazzis!" Jiang Cheng wiggled his brows at the impassive Yibo, who instantly shrugged his arm away, annoyed of being touched.

Cheng hissed with the impolite action, "Yah! We'll be family soon, be nicer to me!"

"He's not even here." Yibo whispered out of frustration which he himself didn't know where it came from.

Cheng's sensitive ears perceived the low voice though, a smug adorning his pale face. He approched Yibo again, slumping his hand back to Yibo's shoulder, "Don't miss him too much. He will be back before you know it. But for now..." he picked a black smartphone from his pocket dropping it on Yibo's palm. "He told me to give this to you if I ever see you lonely."

'Lonely?' Yibo scoffed inwardly, a word which was difficult for him to believe.

Cheng, aware of Yibo's self-denial, just patted the other's shoulder as he goofily said goodbye. "You're such an idiot."

Yibo's forehead wrinkled staring at Cheng's retreating back, rationalising why he received comments of being lonely and an idiot. However, his attention got diverted immediately back at the object in his hand, feeling its weight between his palms.

His heart began to thump fast within his ribcage and the world seemed to come into halt as he turned on its screen. A familiar childhood photo from Zhan's side table welcoming him as its wallpaper.

Yibo's light eyes, went a shade lighter seeing that man's youthful face beaming wide. Without his knowledge, Zhan's wide smile spread through Yibo's mouth. An unforgettable scene for all the fangirls and expectators surrounding him.

"The Cold Prince smiled!" A woman shrieked in awe. The others cooed in swooning, mesmerized of Yibo's beautiful smile.

From the corner, Cheng proudly smirked from his accomplishment, snapping a shot or two and instantly sending it to the love-struck cousin of his. "You should thank me for this, Zhan!"

That phone meant more than anything else for Yibo. It was Zhan's phone. The one which originally has Zhan and Qing's photo as the wallpaper, but is now changed to his and Zhan's young faces. The passcode was even 0805, which is Yibo's birth date. He is quite shocked, Zhan remembered the date. It made him feel somewhat special.

With a crinkle in his eyes, Yibo hastily ran back home, locking himself in his room, ready to scrutinize everything that phone would present to him.

Slumping on the swivel chair, he handled the device with care, flicking through Zhan's pictures which was like a life story being presented to him. The places Zhan has visited, the food he was fond of and has tried, the people he met, the people he consider as friends, his colleagues, his adventures, his changes throughout the last 6 years.

Yibo's chest felt warm, watching Zhan althroughout those passing years through those memories. Somehow, he felt that the gaps in their lifetime has been filled in.

Suddenly, that mobile buzzed and it almost fell from his grip. His eyes widen seeing the caller's ID.


Yibo's hand shook terribly mad and his palms sweated instantly. Nervous as he was, he made a big gulp then clicked the receiver's button.

Zhan's eyes were all rounded in surprise when Yibo's face appeared on his screen. He wasn't actually expecting him to answer his call, but he was glad that he did.

A warm smile crossed his face. God knows how much he missed the man. "How are you, Didi? Are you doing alright?" he started awkwardly.

On the other hand, Yibo stared at him, scrutinizing every detail of Zhan's face. Words of worry cramped in his skull, but he kept his mouth shut, cringing with the thought that he may sound like a nagging wife if he let those words escape his mouth. In the end, he simply replied with a slight nod, and famous, "Mn."

Zhan sighed disappointingly at Yibo's passive reaction. He remembered Yibo's smiling face from the photo Cheng has sent to him. How he would move Heaven and Earth to personally see it with his own eyes, but he guessed it might be too early to hope for that.

"I miss you, Bo-di." he sincerely let out trying to break Yibo's indifference.

Yibo's eyes opened wider in surprise of Zhan's straightforwardness. He held his head low trying to hide his burning embarassment. But how can he, against Zhan's sharp eyes?

"Doesn't Didi miss Gege?" Zhan further teased wanting to make Yibo's blush worsen.

But karma had ricocheted back at him. For the second time, Yibo surpassed his expectations. He bobbed his head up and down, then looked back at the screen asking, "Zhan-ge, w-when are you coming back?". An answer Zhan wasn't expecting in a hundred years.

Yibo's innocent light eyes are just too much for Zhan's feeble heart to handle. While his Bo-di's cuteness seems to have reached its peak during the three days they are apart. Damn! If he could teleport that instance to squeeze that adorable man tightly in his arms, he would even play a truce with the Devil.

"Soon, Bo-di. I will come back soon." Zhan replied with a broken heart.

Yibo's lips formed a thin line trying to hide his disapointment. 'He already has too many things on his plate, I shouldn't add to them.' he reprimanded himself.

The next couple of days went long for them both. Zhan exhausted himself day and night just to come back to Louyang as fast as he could whereas Yibo continued his days at school, occasionally showing up at his parttime work in a ramen restaurant, and sometimes tagging along Zhan's grandma and Yan Li for the wedding preparations.

It was a busy and tiring week for them both. Yibo was thankful to survive until that Friday night, when he suddenly felt all the tension built up on his body. He was too tired to move even an inch after collapsing on his bed and before he knew it, he was already fast asleep.

In the middle of his sleep, he felt a cold gust of wind sending chills through his spine. But what made his goosebumps arose was something dipping itself on the other side of the bed, and a cold body pressing itself on his back.

Scared out of his wits, he jumped out of bed and was about to shriek in terror, when a cold palm covered his mouth and a strong hand pulled him back to bed.

"Shhhh..." the man hushed the shocked Yibo while he straddled on top of him, smiling like a maniac who've just left his prison. "I'm back."

Author's note:

Made some revisions at end of the Immeasurable Happiness chapter. 2 sentences which will make a difference soon!

Sadly, this story is coming to its end. Probably 4 chapters more?

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